Categories: Editorials

Thank You to All Volunteers

Over this past weekend, Beacon Hill was a beehive of holiday decorating activity. Neighbors on the Hill and students from MIT, Suffolk, Emerson and Northeastern gave up their time on Saturday and Sunday to help decorate the lampposts with holiday laurel and bows.  Wherever one walked on the Hill on Sunday, people with ladders were out on the streets like Ridgeway Lane, Derne, Joy, Garden and Beacon Streets to turn our neighborhood into a holiday wonderland.

Special recognition goes out to the Beacon Hill Civic Association who spearheaded the effort and Charles Street Supply that provided many of the ladders that were an integral part of the decorating.  Also,  thank you to Tom Kershaw who hosted the fundraiser three weeks ago, which raised the money to buy the holiday decorations.

One volunteer commented that it was so good to see neighbors just out and decorating.  We agree, for it is efforts like this that bind our neighborhood together and make it the place that we call home.

Beacon Hill Times Staff:
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