Categories: Editorials

In Like A Lamb

Walking around Beacon Hill area on Sunday was a real pleasure. The sun and warm temperatures had everyone out on the Boston Common and the Public Garden. People were sitting on the benches soaking up the rays or playing football or Frisbee on the parade grounds.

What a difference from two weeks ago when to venture outside even for a few minutes was torture as temperatures fell below zero.

As New Englanders, we always took solace that any snow that comes now in March will be quickly gone except last year. Looking at this current winter, we realize that it just was not that bad.

However, today, March 1 is to be another nice day. We are now on guard remembering the old adage, if March comes in like a lamb, it will leave like a lion.

Maybe, we can count the super Tuesday Presidential Election as the lion. We will know for sure in 30 days.

Beacon Hill Times Staff:
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