Street sweeping season is here again!
Caption: The north side of Mt Vernon Street got a good clean sweep Friday, thanks to the city sweepers that removed winter debris that had accumulated in January and February.
The Street Cleaning Program on Beacon Hill kicked off March 1 and runs until December 31. Along with street sweeping come tow trucks for those unfortunate few who forget to check the posted street signs for the sweeping schedule and parking restrictions on the street they park.
The City of Boston makes it easy not to forget. Check out to find everything one needs to know about the program, including when the streets are cleaned on Beacon Hill and how to sign up for Tow Alerts.
Such alerts come to those who register the street on which they are parked via email or text message before street sweeping day.
Other options available to residents include downloading the entire street cleaning schedule from the city’s website or calling 311 to find out when the street on which they are parked will be swept and to report a street that needs to be cleaned.
The city’s website includes other street sweeping information as well. For example, street sweeping is not always cancelled because of rain. Light rain can actually help the sweepers clean the streets. Call 311 for information on any street sweeping cancellations.
The city also sends alerts for street occupancy permits. To receive alerts the day before a temporary no-parking zone goes into effect for moving trucks, dumpsters, movie filming, etc., residents should visit and enter their street name to begin the signup process.
Traffic and Parking Committee looks to the future
The Traffic & Parking Committee continues to wrestle with the local impact of rapid urban growth, seismic shifts in modes of transportation including ridesharing and bicycles and technological change that has changed many aspects of Beacon Hillers’ lives including how they shop.
At Thursday’s meeting the Committee plans to discuss tweaks it must consider around Beacon Hill to increase safety and accessibility in light of these changes as well as the city’s Vision 2030 plan to be released Tuesday. An application to the Boston Transportation Department’s Slow Streets Program is among the considerations. The meeting begins at 6 pm at 74 Joy Street.
Get involved
Beacon Hill Civic Association committees and special events comprise volunteers
working together from all over the neighborhood to assure a good quality of life here. All residents are welcome to jump aboard. Visit
and/or call the office (617-227-1922) for more information on how to get involved.
Tuesday, March 7th: Streets & Sidewalks Committee Meeting at 74 Joy Street, 6:30 pm
Thursday, March 9th: Traffic & Parking Committee Meeting at 74 Joy Street, 6 pm