Along with window boxes overflowing with colorful flowers, spring on Beacon Hill brings a renewed appreciation of the neighborhood’s carefully preserved historic homes, newly-swept brick sidewalks, green play spaces for children and, perhaps most of all, the friendly camaraderie of its residents.
Much of this is due to the work of hundreds of Beacon Hill Civic Association members who have worked tirelessly since 1922 to care for the unique neighborhood. To be able to continue their work, they turn to the community each spring to remind its members to renew their annual membership dues and encourage others to join the active neighborhood association known for its ability to get things done.
It’s easy to renew or join, according to BHCA Membership Committee Chair Maura Smith. “Watch for a colorful postcard reminder in the mail next week and then go to www.bhcivic.org/membership to renew or join for the upcoming fiscal year which starts July 1st,” she said. “Or, stop by our membership table in front of Charles Street Supply on Saturday mornings in April and May.”
Membership dues not only supports the work of the BHCA but also offer members and their families discounts to local shops and special events. Individual membership dues are $50 ($30 for members up to age 35 and 65 and older.) Supporting membership dues are $100.
The Founders Circle comprises the BHCA’s highest level of membership giving. Its dues are $500 annually. Those who have joined by May 15 will be invited to a cocktail reception in a member’s home in appreciation of their generosity.
Last year the Membership Committee launched monthly Meet and Greets that bring neighbors together on the first Monday of each month from 6-8 p.m. at 75 Chestnut. “The evenings have become very popular,” Smith said. “Not only are neighbors learning more about the BHCA but they enjoy meeting each other. Many long lasting friendships have been made there.”
On May 5, the Committee will launch First Fridays from 8-10 a.m. at the BHCA conference room at 74 Joy Street. It will be a time for prospective members to come for coffee and conversation with members of the Committee.
The BHCA holds regular community meetings on a wide range of issues that affect life on Beacon Hill, including those relating to traffic and parking, historic preservation, streets and sidewalks, trash and recycling, public safety, and zoning and licensing. Notices focusing on timely matters are emailed weekly to BHCA members as well.
“For nearly 100 years, BHCA has served as a group of neighbors helping neighbors,” said Smith. “Please support our 2017-2018 membership drive by joining today!”
For more information about membership in the Beacon Hill Civic Association, call 617-275-6696, email [email protected] or go to www.bhcivic.org.
Get involved
Beacon Hill Civic Association committees and special events comprise volunteers working together from all over the neighborhood to assure a good quality of life here. All residents are welcome to jump aboard.
This Week’s Meetings
Dates to Save
April 28 & April 29: Love Your Neighborhood Spring Cleanup.
Membership Table in front of Charles St. Supply
Tools available on the Boston Common near Beacon & Charles streets.
Monday, May 1: Beacon Hill Meet & Greet. 75 Chestnut.
Wednesday, May 2: Neighborhood Coffee with the Mayor. 9:30 a.m.,
Myrtle Street Playground.
Friday, May 5: First Friday Coffee & Conversation. 8:00 a.m.,
74 Joy Street.
Friday, May 12: Spring Planting Day. Charles Street.
Volunteer Table in front of Charles St. Supply.
Monday, May 15: BHCA Annual Meeting & Reception. 6 p.m.,
Union Club of Boston, 9 Park Street.
Thursday, May 18: Founders Reception. 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. at a private home. For information about Founders Circle membership, call 617-227-1922.
Visit the Beacon Hill Civic Association website bhcivic.org and/or call the office (617-227-1922) for more information on how to get involved.