Keep exterior doors well lit
When the BHCA Cambridge Street Quality of Life Committee members walked down Cambridge Street last fall to identify problem areas impacting residents’ quality of life and safety, they noted that several property owners had not replaced burned out bulbs in light fixtures mounted above their doorways.
It is a problem too often seen throughout the neighborhood.
Recently Charles Dow, a concerned resident, alerted the BHCA to an ordinance passed by the Boston City Council in 1973 that intends to protect the public safety by assuring adequate illumination of all doorways, alleys, passageways, and entrances to and from residential buildings used by the occupants as a means of access and egress. This ordinance applies to the owners of all buildings containing four or more residential units, and includes adjacent parking areas.
The intensity of illumination to be provided, according to the ordinance, is at least three foot candles per square foot at the floor level and at least one foot candle per square foot in adjacent parking areas.
“Most buildings already have light fixtures above their doorways but
too many do not replace burned out bulbs,” said Dow. “And all it would take to comply is a 40- to 60-watt bulb.”
The BHCA encourages residents who notice unlit entrances to residential buildings in the neighborhood to notify the city by calling 311, tweeting @BOS311 or using the BOS:311 app.
Volunteers wanted
The BHCA is looking for volunteers who would like to lend their time and talents, whether it be stuffing envelopes, answering phones, or assisting with events. Those interested are encouraged to contact Katie Reinhardt at [email protected].
Upcoming Meetings
Wednesday, August 9th:
Cambridge Street Quality of Life Committee Meeting. 6:30 pm, 74 Joy Street
Zoning & Licensing Committee Meeting. 7:30 pm, 74 Joy Street
Friday, August 11th: Membership & Events Committee Meeting. 8am, 74 Joy
Visit the Beacon Hill Civic Association website and/or call the office (617-227-1922) for more information on how to get involved.