The Beacon Hill Architectural Commission will hold its monthly public hearing on Thursday, December 21, 2017 starting at 5:00 p.m. in Piemonte Room City Hall.
(Use Congress Street as an entrance and exit after 5:30pm)
18.098 BH 81 Mount Vernon Street (VIO.BH.116): Paint front door; install two light fixtures flanking front entrance; replace all storm windows on front elevation.
Design Review
18.662 BH 1 Park Street: Update previously approved proposal to replace paired entry doors and frames on 1970s addition of Park Street Church in aluminum and glass from approved bronze and glass.
18.303 BH 73 Mount Vernon Street (continued from 11-2017 hearing): Removal and reinstallation of iron picket caps; remove protruding pickets in granite wall; install chimney cap.
18.568 BH 18 Phillips Street (continued from 11-2017 hearing): Install new accessible ramp at the passageway along the east side of the building; convert existing window into an accessible doorway; construct retaining wall with fence and lighting; install new hinges and hardware at existing iron gateway; install storm windows; install two security cameras.
18.466 BH 82 Charles Street (continued from 11-2017 hearing): Install hanging projection sign.
18.399 BH 14 Mugar Way (continued from 11-2017 hearing): Construct a four-story addition; install signage and lighting; and modify landscaping/hardscaping.
18.423 BH 75 Beacon Street (continued from 11-2017 hearing): Construct rooftop addition and rear yard addition; modify front area-way including installation of brick paving, granite curbs and iron fencing; and restoration of windows.
18.567 BH 34 ½ Beacon Street (continued from 11-2017 hearing): Renovate and expand the existing 9th floor headhouse; install rooftop deck; install new window in enclosed opening on 8th floor.
18.373 BH 66 Revere Street: Replace front door and sidelites in kind.
18.406 BH 22 Beacon Street: Install wall sign on both Beacon and Park Street sides; replace awnings with Sunbrella in black with logos printed.
18.706 BH 70 Mount Vernon Street: Replace three historic 6/6 wood windows on third floor in kind; remove storm windows.
18.642 BH 54 Charles Street: Proposed Work: Reconfigure existing wall sign to hanging sign above front entry; relocate listings board from entry way to mounted on front elevation.
18.699 BH 92 Beacon Street: Re-install roofdeck in same location as existing.
17.1369 BH 95 Beacon Street: Install garden fence at front yard.
18.713 BH 34 Beacon Street: Replace front door to match existing and reinstall existing hardware; replace intercom system in same location as existing; replace glass panes in front door sidelites with laminated glass; install four security cameras on building; replace existing wood side door with metal door to match existing detailing, dimensions and color.
18.615 BH 11 Irving Street: Install solid wood paneled door in line with frontmost façade of structure at garden level entrance.
18.709 BH 4 Charles River Square: Install new 6/6 wood window and storm window insert in non-existing opening on rear elevation.
18.588 BH 112 Revere Street: Construct two enclosures on roof of main structure to house mechanical equipment and antennas.
Administrative Review/Approvals
18.632 BH 16 Beacon Street: Repoint mortar to match existing; repaint wood window trim, balconies, and entrance to match existing; re-caulk windows to match existing color.
18.666 BH 74 Beacon Street: Install storm windows to two parlor-level windows and arched transoms.
18.708 BH 43 Bowdoin Street: Replace existing sign on door to match existing with new company name; repair entry doors; repaint entry walls and ceiling to match existing.
18.665 BH 37 Brimmer Street: Dig-up front garden at foundation and apply waterproof sealant to foundation wall; re-lay dirt and flooring.
18.624 BH 18 Hancock Street: Replace two garden-level windows on front of main structure to match.
18.582 BH 67 Mount Vernon Street: Repoint portions on front and rear elevation using mortar to match; repair cornice and stone lintels; wash and seal all brick; replace sections of rotten wood trim to match existing; paint window trim gray; paint steel railings in kind.
18.711 BH 75 Mount Vernon Street: Repair existing metal front yard fence and gate in kind; reset and clean existing stone wall.
18.614 BH 32 Myrtle Street: Remove and realign brickwork at front of building which was pulling away from the structure.
18.707 BH 13 South Russell Street: Replace three non-original 2/2 wood dormer windows to match existing.
18.633 BH 5 West Hill Place: Repair limestone parapet and cornice.