Walking along Mt. Vernon Street or Chestnut Street in Beacon Hill or Beacon Street in the Back Bay, the outside façades of the houses on these streets have not changed since they were built, in some cases for more than 200 years. However, the inside of many of these homes have been upgraded and in some cases have the latest state of the art technology of the 21st century.
On this Saturday from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m., several homeowners will open their doors for the Fifth Annual Creative Kitchens Tour where visitors will have a chance to see some spectacular kitchens.
Many visitors will be amazed at just how a modern kitchen with all the appliances can be configured into some spaces that are a fraction of the size as many suburban kitchens and yet still be as functional . What is most important to keep in mind is the fact that these kitchens had to be put into a space that could not be enlarged and the windows and doors could not be altered. The creative mind of the architect was tested to make these spaces function for a modern family.
On Saturday, bring your walking shoes, see extraordinary kitchens and help a good cause.
This tour is an important fundraiser for the Beacon Hill Village that serves more than 400 members in the Beacon Hill area and offers its members a variety of activities and social events.
Information and tickets for this event can be found by calling 617-723-9713.