BHCA Membership Season is Here!
It’s time for all BHCA members to renew
The Beacon Hill Civic Association would like to remind you that membership season is here!
Summer can be a busy time for many families living on the Hill, making it easy to forget that your membership has expired, but all membership dues expire at the end June. We invite our neighbors and all those interested in Beacon Hill to renew or join now.
Your membership dues go a long way! They help support the operation of the BHCA which was first established in 1922 by dedicated neighbors whose goal it was to protect Beacon Hill’s historic and residential character. Today, the work of the organization continues to help preserve and enhance the quality of life in our beautiful neighborhood through historic preservation, civic engagement and community development.
Individual dues are $50 ($30 for members up to age 35 and over 65). Supporting membership dues are $100. Dues for the Founders Circle, the BHCA’s highest level of membership giving, are $500 annually. We also invite Business members and Nonprofit members to join or renew their memberships, which will include them in our Neighborhood Guide published every fall.
All BHCA members can rely on timely information about issues and events affecting our neighborhood through our weekly eblasts, and targeted notices on important subjects. Membership also offers individuals and their families discounts to local shops and to many special BHCA events, roundtables and programs.
We invite you to become involved. Your membership matters! Please renew or join today!
For more information about membership in the Beacon Hill Civic Association, go to, call 617-227-1922, or email [email protected].
Come join us!
Beacon Hill Civic Association committees and special events bring together volunteers and neighbors, working together to assure a good quality of life on the Hill. All residents are welcome to become members and participate.
No Meetings
Upcoming Special Events
BHCA Young Friends Social – July 25
Beacon Hill Meet & Greet – August 6
Historic Preservation Roundtable – August 15
Fall HillFest – September 23
Visit the Beacon Hill Civic Association website and/or call the office (617-227-1922) for more information on how to get involved.