The Beacon Hill Architectural Commission (BHAC) will hold its monthly public hearing on Thursday, September 20, 2018 at 5 Boston City Hall at Piemonte Room on the 5th Floor.
19.176 BH 60 Chestnut Street
Applicant: John Holland, Holland Companies.
Proposed Work: Installation of deck railing at rooftop deck at rear garage; installation of HVAC condensers at garage roof; proposal to install temporary mesh screening in front of condensers.
Design Review
18.1447 BH 120 Charles Street (Continued from 07/2018 & 08/2018)
Applicant: Zack Sambucci
Proposed Work: Repair window sashes and storm windows.
18.1511 BH 32-34 Hancock Street (Continued from 07/2018 hearing)
Applicant: Kelly Robbins, Charlesgate Property Management
Proposed Work: Replace asphalt shingles at roof in kind in “Black Pepper”; replace awning fabric at dormer in “Driftwood Tweed”.
18.713 BH 34 Beacon Street (Continued from 02/2018 & 06/2018 hearings)
Applicant: Mona Bonnot
Proposed Work: Install new intercom and camera system in wooden lintel to replace existing at front door in brass finish.
18.1423 BH 36 Joy Street (Continued from 07/2018 and 08/2018 hearings)
Applicant: Lawrance O’Connor
Proposed Work: Replace existing 6’-0” cedar stockade fencing alongside yard; attach five panels of treated lattice fencing for ivy wall; install single lattice panel at wall and alley end for ivy wall.
19.118 BH 55-57 Brimmer Street (Continued from 07/2018 hearing)
Applicant: Don Mills, Mills Whitaker Architects, LLC.
Proposed Work: Demolish and reconstruct rear one-story addition on back of carriage house; replace HVAC units on roof.
19.092 BH 20 Temple Street
Applicant: Hilary Gouthro, RRR Waterproofing, Inc.
Proposed Work: Install copper connector downspout diagonally across building.
19.163 BH 48 Temple Street
Applicant: John Carlton, Historic Door
Proposed Work: Replace historic paired entry doors.
19.427 BH 4 Otis Place
Applicant: Monika Pauli, Pauli & Uribe Architects, LLC.
Proposed Work: Replace all 17 windows on main structure to match existing materials, color and lite configuration. (See Administrative Review items below).
19.100 BH 3 West Cedar Street
Applicant: Megan Morgan, Payne/Bouchier
Proposed Work: Replace front door to match existing in detailing, material and dimensions; replace and repair sections of millwork and trim at entry to match existing.
19.424 BH 83 Chestnut Street
Applicant: Henry Ladd, Howland Company Inc.
Proposed Work: Install fire connections on front elevation; replace pendant light in entry vestibule; install address numbers to left of entrance in mortar joints; construct roof deck.
19.409 BH 42 Chestnut Street
Applicant: Rob Ferree, Ferree Group, Inc.
Proposed Work: Enlarge existing opening at rear brick wall on Branch Street and install garage door; alter curb cut at Branch Street.
19.207 BH 37-41 Bowdoin Street
Applicant: Sarah Graulty, Cellco Partnership
Proposed Work: Install two antenna enclosures at rooftop.
Administrative Review/Approval
19.412 BH 43 Anderson Street, Unit #4: Replace seven non-original 1/1 wood windows on side elevation in kind with 1/1 wood windows to match existing.
19.401 BH 44 Beacon Street: Scrape and paint front door and trim to match existing.
19.402 BH 45 Beacon Street: Repair front brownstone steps; remove lead paint at entrance, repair rotten wood at columns and trim and repaint in kind; scrape repair and repaint front window sills; repair brownstone lintels and sills at front and side elevation; repair iron platforms and balusters at front fence, repaint iron in kind; repair and repaint iron balconies; scrape and paint flagpoles at front elevation.
19.171 BH 30 Brimmer Street: Removal of two sets of double doors at South facing entrance to be restored off-site; install temporary doors at entrance while repairs are undertaken on original doors.
19.214 BH 69 Charles Street: Re-cover existing awning frame with new tan Sunbrella fabric to match existing in color, no vinyl lettering.
19.404 BH 115 Charles Street: Replace copper gutters in kind; replace and repaint rotten fascia boards at dormer in kind.
19.121 BH 1-3 Chestnut Street: Replace severely deteriorated brownstone sills and lintels with concrete molded and painted to match brownstone coloring; repair damaged brownstone sills and lintels with Comproco Matrix mix; re-glaze, scrape and paint windows; repair and repaint shutters.
19.430 BH 17 Chestnut Street: Repaint front door to match existing color.
19.425 BH 41 Chestnut Street: Repoint masonry on front elevation; repaint shutters, sashes and window trim to match existing; replace three lintels
19.423 BH 58 Chestnut Street: Repaint entryway trim, dormers and rear bay white to match existing; repaint all windows and doors black to match existing; replace skirt board in kind.
19.406 BH 38 Irving Street: Remove outer wythe of brick due to pulling away from structure and reconstruct using same brick with mortar to match existing with wall ties for support. (Approved as Emergency Repair on August 31, 2018).
19.414 BH 45 Mount Vernon Street: Replace copper gutter and downspout in kind; replace purple slate roof in kind.
19.415 BH 47 Mount Vernon Street: Replace copper gutter and downspout in kind; replace purple slate roof in kind.
19.421 BH 78 Mount Vernon Street: Replace rotten wood arched molding, pilasters, panels, casing and plinth bases at entry in kind.
19.411 BH 71 Myrtle Street: Replace six non-original 1/1 wood windows at front and recessed side elevation with 1/1 double-hung wood windows to match existing.
19.427 BH 4 Otis Place: Repoint mortar on building to match existing in color and tooling; repair existing deck railing and repaint; replace pieces of missing or damaged slate roofing at mansard to match existing in color and dimensions; replace copper gutters to match existing; repair and repaint fire balconies. (See Design Review item above).
19.413 BH 64 Pinckney Street: Replace copper gutter and downspout in kind; replace black slate roof in kind; install copper flashing.
19.110 BH 123 Pinckney Street: Replace eight sets of window sashes at top floor and dormers in kind with 6/6 wood true divided lite windows.
19.420 BH 33 River Street: Repoint mortar on building to match existing in color and tooling; restore rotten wood trim at windows; remove and repair existing storm windows; clean rusted aluminum flat roof panels at oriel roof; repair sections of rotten wood trim at oriel and paint to match existing.
19.042 BH 79 West Cedar Street: Install brass flag mount into mortar on front elevation and install flagpole between windows on second story.
Advisory Review
15 South Russell Street
Applicant: Brigid Williams, Hickox Williams Architects, Inc.
Proposed Work: Construct vertical addition on existing three-story wood frame rowhouse; install rooftop deck.
Review and Ratification of August 16, 2018 Minutes
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