Following the applicant’s fifth appearance before the BHAC, the Beacon Hill Architectural Commission voted unanimously to deny an application to remedy a violation for the single-family home at 60 Chestnut St. on Jan. 17 at City Hall.
The applicant, John Holland of the Boston commercial and residential development firm Holland Companies, returned to the commission regarding the proposed installation of a deck railing at the rear garage and HVAC condensers on the garage roof, as well proposed mesh screening in front of the units.
Holland proposed dismantling the existing deck, removing the condensers and planters, and reconstructing the deck with a maximum height of 10 feet, 4 inches, which he said the commission approved in June of 2016. Furthermore, he said the condensers could be situated at the edge of 60 Chestnut St., so as to obscure its visibility from Branch Street, and to “make the deck flush with Branch Street to emulate the 58 Chestnut St. flashing detail.”
Commissioner Miguel Rosales countered that Holland’s proposed 10 foot, 4 inch-deck still exceeded the height of 8 feet, 8 inches as was previously approved by the commission.
“What you’re proposing is not acceptable because the condensers would still be visible from Branch Street,” Rosales said. “On top of that, the planters and other elements that weren’t approved need to be removed. If you want to propose something different, you’ll have to come back later.”
In another matter, the commission unanimously voted to approve an application from Jim Fay of Boston-based Street and Company Real Estate to replace the window trim on the ground floor, front façade at 81 Chestnut St. to match that of the adjacent façade at 83 Charles St.
But the commission simultaneously issued a violation to the applicant for an unapproved awning and sign for Clevergreen Cleaners at 81 Charles St. “You must remove the sign and bring it back for approval,” Rosales told Fay.
As for an application to change the design of a fence at the rear elevation of 32-34 Hancock St. that the commission approved in March of 2017, the commission unanimously gave the green light to the proposed 6-foot, latticed, cedar fence that would extend across the entire back of the building, with the provisos that the new fence be constructed entirely of wood, painted black and consistent with other nearby fences.
Meanwhile, the commission reviewed an application for 34 Charles St. submitted by Mona Bonnot of Boston-based Sea-Dar Construction.
Bonnot described the proposed work as “replacing exteriors elements that have deteriorated over the years,” which entails repairing the railing, snowguards and chimneys, as well as replacing the flashing, gutter and downspout at the roof level; repointing the side elevation, repairing the masonry and window guards and replacing all windows in kind at the front façade and side elevation; repairing balconies (including replacing in kind the wood ceiling and balcony sash, respectively), restoring the entry door and replacing glass at the sidelights at the front façade.
The commission approved this application, with the exception of the proposed windows at the Joy Street elevation, and with the provisos that copper brazing be removed, and that the applicant also submit new drawings.
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