In response to a proliferation of illegal signage throughout the Beacon Hill Historic District, the city has begun cracking down on this unsightly advertising ploy.
According to Section 1, “Sight Guidelines,” of the Beacon Hill Architectural Guidelines, “exterior walls may not be used for display of merchandise or temporary advertising boards” and “freestanding signs are not permitted” in the neighborhood’s Historic District.
“The Beacon Hill Architectural Commission has full regulatory authority over signage materials, quantity, location, attachment, and relationship to the scale of the building,” a city official said. “Commission staff is aware of the growing concern of unapproved temporary signage throughout the district, and routinely collaborates with the neighborhood stakeholders to resolve any violations promptly and in accordance with the enabling legislation.”
Rob Whitney, president of the Beacon Hill Civic Association board of directors, said the city’s commitment to resolving this matter is already showing results.
“The Beacon Hill Civic Association has been extremely pleased that the Beacon Hill Architectural Commission has been recently looking into the improper fixing of advertising signage to the exterior of buildings and fences in the Beacon Hill Historic District without prior review and approval by the Beacon Hill Architectural Commission,” Whitney wrote. “Nicholas Armata, senior preservation planner at the Beacon Hill Architectural Commission, has been great to work with in identifying these signs and banners that have been posted on Beacon Hill without approval, and in reaching out to the violators to bring the signage into compliance.”