BHCA Updates
Because of current conditions, the BHCA will host a virtual Annual Meeting on May 18th to which members will be invited. We will be sending joining instructions the day before the meeting. This will be a voting meeting only.
The Beacon Award, normally presented at the BHCA Annual Meeting, has been postponed for now.

We ask that you to support our local businesses in any way you can. They need our help now more than ever. Go to our website at to see how you can help.
Our neighbors at Suffolk University entered into an agreement with the City of Boston to house to repurpose 172 beds in their Somerset Street dormitory, to help ease congestion and increase social distancing in existing shelters in Boston. This facility will be managed in collaboration between the Pine Street Inn and the Boston Public Health Commission. This facility is not for quarantine, but rather to relieve pressure for regular use of existing shelters.
For other up-to-date information at city, state and federal levels, use the following links:
If you would like to receive our BHCA News eblast, write to us at [email protected] and we will add you to our list. The BHCA website ( is also a good source of up to date information. We are holding committee meetings when possible through video conferencing. The website will have information as to how to join in as applicable.
We are working remotely and our phones are connected, so feel free to call us at any time! Stay well and see you soon!
Calling All Kids!
Would you like to make someone smile? We are inviting neighborhood kids to make a card for our neighbors who live at Beacon House on Myrtle Street. A pre-made card or one you make yourself will be enough to brighten someone’s day and let our neighbors know that they are in our thoughts. Write your message in your card and put it in an envelope. Address it to the BHCA at 74 Joy Street, Boston, MA 02114, and note “Beacon House” on the back of the envelope. You can mail it to the BHCA or drop it in our mail slot at the Joy Street door. We will deliver the cards to the Beacon House! Thank you!
Join us!
If you haven’t yet become a member of the BHCA, we invite you to join online at
Your input in quality of life issues on the Hill is important to us, and we rely on you our neighbors to bring your comments and concerns to our attention. By joining our membership, you strengthen our numbers and add credibility to our purpose as advocates for Beacon Hill. Please call our office at 617-227-1922 or email the BHCA Executive Director at [email protected] with any questions, comments or concerns, or to learn more about how you can get involved in your community.