The Beacon Hill Architectural Commission will hold a public hearing on Zoom on June 18, 2020 at 5 p.m.
Subject of the hearing will be applications for Certificates of Design Approval on the agenda below, reviews of architectural violations, and such businesses as may come before the commission, in accordance with Chapter 616 of the Acts of 1955 of the Massachusetts General Law as amended. Applications are available for review during business hours at the office of the Environment Department. Applicants or their representatives are required to attend, unless indicated otherwise below. Sign language interpreters are available upon request.
ATTENTION: This hearing will only be held virtually and NOT in person. You can participate in this hearing by going to: or calling 1 (929) 205-6099 and entering id # 885 4159 9065 Password: 364843. You can also submit written comments or questions to [email protected] or via Twitter @bostonlandmarks.
I. Design Review Hearing
APP # 20.1066 BH 9 Temple Street
Applicant: Caroline Destefano
Proposed Work: At rear el, install HVAC condenser on existing deck.
APP # 20.1067 BH 2 Park Street
Applicant: Don Mills; Mills Whittaker Architects
Proposed Work: At rear façade replace angled brackets with vertical supports (See Additional Items under Administrative review).
APP # 20.1068 BH* 10 Charles River Square
Applicant: Anthony Griseto; Pella Windows and Doors
Proposed Work: At front façade, all levels, replace five, 6 over 6 wood windows in kind.
APP # 18.1238 BH 14 Beacon Street (Previously Approved in May-2018)
Applicant: Megan O’Brien; Faros Properties
Proposed Work: Approval of an extension of original approval to replace all 1 over 1 wood sashes visible from public way in kind; replace existing 2 over 2 sheet metal windows on addition with 2 over 2 double hung aluminum sashes; remove and repair existing leaded glass windows on Beacon Street façade and install exterior storms; reproduce missing leaded glass windows to match existing; restore damage and missing wooden brick mold to match existing; repair windows on first story south elevation; restore metal-clad fire shutters; clean masonry with D/2 biological solution; repoint sections to match existing in materials, tooling and color.
APP # 20.1069 BH* 112 Mt. Vernon Street
Applicant: Michael Black
Proposed Work: At front façade, level three (all), level two (far right window) replace four 6 over 6 wood windows in kind. At rear façade (visible from Cedar Lane Way) replace four, six over six, wood windows in kind.
APP # 20.1070 BH 2 Beaver Street
Applicant: Patricia Harris
Proposed Work: At Beaver Street façade, cut into brick privacy wall to install new entry door and light fixture. At Beaver Street elevation unbrick archway, remove existing metal gate from adjacent archway and install two (simulated) carriage house doors with transom. At Beaver Place elevation, remove two existing windows, unbrick adjacent existing window fenestration and install three identical windows in existing fenestrations with metal security grates. Install one hood exhaust on roof elevation.
APP # 20.1071 BH 131 Cambridge Street
Applicant: Doug Manley; Spencer, Sullivan and Vogt
Proposed Work: repaint and restore the wood and metal elements of the façade in kind, including existing windows.
APP # 20.1072 BH* 112 Charles Street
Applicant: Dartagnan Brown; Embarc Studios
Proposed Work: At front façade, repair and repaint level one front shutters in kind, replace door hardware and intercom system, repaint front steps, door, and surrounds, install metal grills at front garden level windows, reclad headhouse, on levels 1, 3 and 4 replace non-historic 1 over 1, wood windows in kind, rebuild roof deck, (See Additional Items under Administrative Review).
*Pending Outstanding Information
II.Administrative Review/Approval: In order to expedite the review process, the commission has delegated the approval of certain work items, such as those involving ordinary maintenance and repair, restoration or replacement, or which otherwise have a minimal impact on a building’s appearance, to commission staff pending ratification at its monthly public hearing. Having been identified as meeting these eligibility criteria and all applicable guidelines, the following applications will be approved at this hearing:
► Applicants whose projects are listed under this heading NEED NOT APPEAR at the hearing. Following the hearing, you will be issued a Determination Sheet to present at the Inspectional Services Department (1010 Massachusetts Avenue) as proof of project approval when applying for permits. ISD personnel will send an electronic copy of your building-permit application to the commission staff for review. (To avoid potential confusion, the text of your building-permit application should be consistent with the project description given below.) Commission staff will accordingly authorize the execution of the work, attaching any applicable provisos, reflecting the relevant guidelines and precedents.
Please Note That Following Issuance Of The Determination Sheet No Further Correspondence Will Be Issued For The Applications Listed Below. The electronic building-permit application as annotated by commission staff will constitute your Certificate of Appropriateness; this will be valid for one year from the date of the hearing. The applicant is required to notify the commission of any project changes; failure to do so may affect the status of the approval.
If you have any questions not addressed by the above information, please contact staff at 617.635.3850 or [email protected] Thank you.
APP # 10.1073 BH 101 Charles Street: At front façade level 3, replace three, 1 over 1, wood windows in kind.
APP # 101072 BH* 112 Charles Street: Repair and repoint front façade in kind, restore existing second floor windows including purple window panes, Repair and restore copper gutters as needed (See Additional Items under Design Review).
APP # 10.2067 BH 2 Park Street: At rear façade, replace rusted bolts and 5 damaged steps on fire escape as indicated on application (See Additional Items under Design Review).
III. Ratification of 5/21/2020 Public Hearing Minutes
IV. Vote to Reappoint Chair and Vice Chair
V. Staff Updates
VI.Projected Adjournment: 8:30 P.M.
DATE POSTED: 6/8/2020
Beacon Hill Architectural Commission
Members: Arian Allen, Miguel Rosales, Joel Pierce, Danielle Santos, P.T. Vineburgh,
Alternates: Matthew Blumenthal, Alice Richmond, Wen Wen.