Special to Times
Community Choice Electricity (CCE) – a milestone program announced by Mayor Martin Walsh in December as an important part of the City’s climate action strategy for achieving carbon-neutrality – launched Feb. 1, and, according to the City, here’s what you need to know about it:
• CCE allows the City to buy electricity on behalf of residents and businesses. By combining its buying power, the City will be able to provide affordable and renewable electricity to those who participate in the program.
• CCE is flexible — you can opt-in or opt-out at any time, and there’s no contract or fees. Bostonians on Eversource Basic Service were notified of automatic enrollment, with the option to “opt-out.” It also tells you your options, lets you easily opt-out, stay on your existing plan, or “opt-up” to 100-percent renewable electricity. Anyone with an electric account in Boston can opt-in or opt-out of the program at any time, and can switch up their product choices depending on what’s best for them.
• CCE gives you a choice over the type of electricity that powers your life.
“Boston is a diverse city,” Chris Cook, the City’s Chief of the Environment, Energy, and Open Space Cabinet wrote in email, “and we know one product does not meet the needs of all residents. Due to our ability to create our own products, Boston has been able to provide two options with more renewable energy.”
Webinars are available in multiple languages at https://tinyurl.com/commchoiceelecwebinars.
The City is also hosting virtual office hours on the program twice a week; visit https://www.boston.gov/news/community-choice-electricity-holding-virtual-office-hours?utm_source=Innovation+and+Technology&utm_campaign=Community+Choice+Electricity+%28January+2021%29&utm_medium=email for more informa