Thank You!
The BHCA would like to thank our State Representative Jay Livingstone and City Councilor Kenzie Bok for the meeting they hosted on Monday evening in regard to the proposed smoke shop on Charles Street. We are extremely grateful to the 160+ neighbors who attended and the dozens who contacted the BHCA by phone and email to express their opposition.
BHCA Traffic & Parking Committee
Senator Joseph Boncore and Representative Jay Livingstone will join us to discuss transportation policy at the State House at 5p on Tuesday March 30th via Zoom.
Both Senator Boncore and Representative Livingstone have taken an active role on proposed policies that impacts our community including many of those detailed in this recent article:
Additionally issues such as the Blue-Red Connector, proposed MBTA service cuts and bills regarding safety (HD1888 and SD 1962 below) are top of mind for our elected officials.
An Act to reduce traffic fatalities (HD1888) is an improved version of the bill that was passed by the Senate last session. This omnibus bill would require additional mirrors, side guards, and backup cameras for certain trucks and other large vehicles, define vulnerable road users and set a safe passing distance at certain speeds, allow the default speed limit on state-owned roads to be lowered to 25 mph, and create a standardized crash report form for people walking and biking. This bill in particular includes important truck safety regulations and maintains the current law requiring a person biking to use either a rear red light or reflector, instead of adding a requirement to use both a rear red light and a rear reflector; the latter has been proven to lead to racial profiling in other states.
An Act relative to automated enforcement (SD1962/HD3705 and HD2452), which the Senate came very close to passing last session, would allow municipalities to opt in to installing cameras that would issue tickets for violations for speeding, failure to stop at a red light, failure to stop at a school bus stop arm, blocking the box, and parking or driving in a dedicated bus lane. When enacted in other states, automated enforcement has reduced speeding and serious crashes. More than 400 communities in the U.S. use red light cameras and more than 130 use cameras to enforce speed laws.
Join us on March 30th to listen, learn and inquire!
Please give to the BHCA Annual Appeal!
Our 2021 Annual Appeal letter has been sent to our neighbors and members. We depend on your generosity to continue our important work. To make a donation, please visit, or call our office at 617-227-1922 with any questions, or to become a member.
Upcoming BHCA Meetings *
Traffic & Parking Committee – Tuesday, March 30th at 5pm
Streets & Sidewalks Committee – Tuesday, April 6th, time TBA
Zoning & Licensing – Wednesday, April 7th, 7pm
Mark your calendar for these BHCA Events! *
Young Friends Social – March 31st, 7-9pm
Beacon Hill Meet & Greet – April 5th, time/place TBA
* Email us at [email protected] or call the office (617-227-1922) for joining instructions or additional information on any of these meetings and events.