Special to the Times
AAPI Action Group, a grassroots organization, founded by prominent Asian Americans of different descents proudly endorse Boston City Councilor Annissa Essaibi-George’s bid for mayor of Boston. Annissa’s work ethic, commitment to strong education, safe neighborhoods, and compassionate citizenship exemplifies the kind of individual we would like to see lead Boston forward.
AAPI Action Group takes pride in our group which establishes the largest diverse coalition of Chinese, Indian, Filipino, Vietnamese, and Nepalese Americans in Boston.
“Annissa is the true Asian American candidate for Mayor of Boston. She might not look like us, but she shown moral courage in standing up for the most vulnerable members of our population when it matters the most, especially when our own Asian American political leaders who are suppose to represent us, are painfully silent. We support her because like us, she deliberately seeks to unite all communities to make Boston stronger through togetherness. At this time, with everything we are facing we need the next mayor to be a unifier. Annissa is the unifier we need. She summons our inner angels to unite and celebrate as Bostonians of different descents and heritages,” Sanjay Kaul, co- founder of the AAPI Action Group.
“Annissa is homegrown and intimately understands the unique needs of each neighborhood as well as embrace the differences. She does not preach to us from an elite ivory tower, but listens to our needs and concerns. We are excited to support Annissa as the next mayor of Boston because she has lived experience and will use her common sense as tough decisions are made,” Joe Wong, a Chinese American civic leader from Chinatown said.
“Annissa is running to be Boston’s mayor for all the right reasons. Annissa is a mother and all her children attend our public schools. As a Boston Public School teacher for 14 years, she understands the challenges of our public education system and the needs of our educators and students. She inspires young Americans like me to thrive, to be the best in school and reach my full potential, “ Sandhaya KC, a young Nepalese American leader said.
“Annissa is a woman warrior. She’s been in trenches, paid her dues, has proven to be a qualified leader, and ready for greater responsibility to create a stronger Boston through togetherness, as the next mayor of Boston. I appreciate the most her boots on the ground and direct style. Unapologetically with moral courage, she has made difficult decisions as City Councilor because she knows the stakes are high,” said Frank Celoza, a Filipino -American war veteran.
“As an American educator of Asian descent, I know firsthand that Annissa will ensure that the history and contributions of Asian Americans to American society will be taught constructively so we can share our common humanity with each other,” said 72-year old Southeast Asian Betty Lim King, a published author and animal rescuer.
“Annissa understands that Vietnamese Americans are shop owners and small business entrepreneurs who depend on public safety. She has the work experience as a small business owner in Boston to meaningfully address the challenges faced by immigrant store owners and bring economic development to areas across the city in need. She has been in our neighborhood listening to our needs, not just during elections. I am confident she is realistic and grounded to lead Boston forward,” said Binh Nguyen, a lifelong civic and community leader of Vietnamese descent.
AAPI Action Group as Americans of diverse Asian descents believe that Annissa Essaibi-George is the authentic leader to lead Boston forward as our next Mayor. We ask every Bostonian to cast your vote on November 2 for Annissa.