We wish to remind all of our readers that the deadline for registering to vote for the upcoming state election is October 29.
Citizens of Massachusetts have three ways to register to vote: on-line, by mail, or in-person at your local city or town clerk’s office.
To register in Massachusetts you must:
— be a citizen of the United States
— be a resident of Massachusetts
— be at least 16 years old (must be 18 years old to vote on Election Day)
— not currently be incarcerated for a felony conviction
The web site for the Secretary of State’s office has the necessary forms and instructions for those wishing to register to vote on-line or by mail.
The upcoming election on November 8 has the potential for far-reaching consequences for our state.
Never before in our history have the Democrat and Republican candidates for two major offices, Governor and Secretary of State, presented such divergent choices for voters. We urge all residents to register to vote for this important election