On October 3, Sara Hoagland Hunter, a Beacon Hill resident, read excerpts from her new book Married Days at a book launch party at Beacon Hill Books & Café. It is the sequel to Dover Days in the series Stories from Home.
The book is a witty and poignant portrait of Ms. Hunter’s happy journey through courtship and married life to her husband, who was not able to join in person, though he was there virtually. Ms Hunter noted that he was not able to contradict her vignettes with his remote attendance.
As the author is essentially a life-long Massachusetts resident, the party was a standing-room-only family affair, not only including some of Ms. Hunter’s siblings, but also long-time family friends, including Melissa Fetter, owner of the book shop, who has known the author for many years. Ms. Fetter introduced Ms. Hunter, pointing out the first book in the series, Dover Days, has been a consistent seller since the Beacon Hill Books & Café opened about a year ago. Torrie Morrison, a Rhode Island School of Design graduate, who has illustrated both Stories from Home books, displayed poster-sized samples of her work that are placed throughout each book.
Ms Hunter read several passages from Married Days, bringing ringing hilarity from the crowd, as well as others creating a few tears. Several attendees were heard commenting that they hoped to see a third in the series, although this expectation was not confirmed by Ms. Hunter.
Both Married Days and Dover Days were available for purchase and signing that evening. After her local book launch on Charles Street, Ms. Hunter is embarking on a national tour. Ms Hunter is also the author of ten children’s books. Two, The Unbreakable Code and Every Turtle Counts, have earned awards.