Categories: Editorials

Forever Chemicals are in All of Our Bodies

On top of the recent news that micro-and nanoplastics are in our bodies and in just about every living thing on the planet, a new study published last week has revealed that of the 14,000 known chemicals — commonly referred to as ‘forever chemicals’ because they do not break down in the environment — that are used in food packaging, about 3500 have been found in the human body.

Microplastics and forever chemicals, which long have been known to exist in fruits and vegetables, land animals and fish, plastic water bottles, cosmetics, and household dust, now have been found to exist in almost every part of the human body, including in breast milk, the placenta, testicles, hearts, livers, and kidneys.

In short, plastics and chemicals are coursing throughout our bodies and are being passed onto our newborn children.

Although scientists have not been able to link these substances to specific health issues in humans, we have long known that these chemicals disrupt the endocrine system and cause cancer and other diseases.

We do not pretend to be scientists, but you don’t need a Ph.D. to surmise that the presence of this stuff in our bodies is not good — and unfortunately bears out the truth of the old adage, “We are what we eat.”

Beacon Hill Times Staff:
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