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Beacon Hill Civic Association Community Corner

Some words of Thanks:

Thank you to the City of Boston’s Department of Public Works for the edge-to-edge paving of Anderson, Chestnut, Irving, and Myrtle Streets. Neighbors are grateful. We look forward to continuing this process in the next construction season. Thanks as well for the many brick sidewalk repairs that have been done lately.

Thank you to all the neighbors who helped to place and remove the Halloween barricades keeping the streets safe for our smaller trick-or-treaters!

Thanks to Dr. Jim O’Connell for his moving presentation to a full-house crowd last week, and to neighbors who filled our sock bag for his patients.

Speaking of giving thanks, we are once again organizing a clothing drive to benefit the Old West Church and the unsheltered people they serve (85% men and 15% women). With the weather turning cold, they are most in need of:

Men’s winter coats (parkas) – with hoods if possible.

Pants, all sizes.


Seasonally appropriate shoes.

They are also in constant need of emergency toiletries.

Please bring CLEAN items and new toiletries to the BHCA any weekday between 9am and 5pm. The clothing drive will run from November 8 through December 6.

Upcoming Meetings

Board of Directors – Tuesday, November 12th, 7pm via Zoom

Architecture Committee – Monday, November 18th, 5:30pm via Zoom

Upcoming Events

Garlands & Greens – November 13th, Hampshire House

Holiday Decorating – December 4th (Charles Street) and December 7th & 8th (rest of the hill)

BHBA Holiday Stroll – Thursday, December 5th

Holiday Concert – Wednesday, December 11th, Harvard Musical Association

For further information on any of these meetings or events, please contact the BHCA office at 617-227-1922.

Beacon Hill Times Staff:
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