Mass. Eye and Ear employees Lauren Mackay and Kate Horstkotte showed their enthusiasm for “The Today Show” the day after Valentine’s Day at the live taping at Faneuil Hall. The dynamic duo, who work with Drs. Jessica Fewkes and Robin…
Beacon Hill Receives Beautify Boston Grants
STEPHEN S. YOUNG, BOARD chair of the Beacon Hill Civic Association (BHCA), announced last week that the City of Boston recently awarded two Beautify Boston Grants to projects on Beacon Hill. The Beautify Boston Grant Program was created by Mayor…
DeLuca’s Granted Zoning Relief Eliefelief
DELUCA’S MARKET ON Charles Street moved another step closer to a grand reopening when the city’s Zoning Board of Appeal (ZBA) voted unanimously on Feb. 13 to grant its request for variances. Applicant and proprietor Virgil Aiello had applied for…
Expanded Street-sweeping Program Begins March 1
BEGINNING FRIDAY, MARCH 1, the city’s Public Works Department (DPW) will expand its street-sweeping program on Beacon Hill to include two additional months. The program typically ended on Nov. 30 and resumed April 1, but starting this year, sweeping begins…
Street Sweeping Starts This Friday
Well, we dodged another snow bullet over the weekend. And if the weatherman is accurate then we will be getting some rain on Wednesday. This is exactly what we need to get rid of those snow piles that take away…
A Time to Take Stock
The three- alarm fire that happend last week on Commonwealth Avenue should make all residents just stop and think for a minute. The fire did not occur in a builing that needed rehabbing, but happened in a high end renovation. …