Categories: Editorials

Egypt’s Democratic Revolution

We are not diplomats and we certainly have no way to tell President Obama what we believe ought to be done except to say that the United States should let the Egyptian people decide exclusively what they want to do with their nation.

The protestors in Cairo and in Alexandria have brought life as they knew it in Egypt to an abrupt halt. They are roused by believing they have the power to change their world.

And maybe they do, but it hasn’t happened yet.

Hosni Mubarak isn’t going gently into the night, and for all the elation the protestors feel, the Egyptian Army is choosing to let them wear themselves out protesting rather than to attempt to put down the revolution.

Sooner or later, the revolution will coalesce into something else.

Even in Egypt everyone needs to earn some money and to feed their children and family members.

Egypt is on a new road. It is a long one with a great deal of road still ahead to be traveled.

Beacon Hill Times Staff:
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