Categories: Editorials

Reducing the Odds

The lecture given Thursday evening by Sgt. Gary Eblan of the Boston Police Department was extremely well attended and rightly so.

Nearly all Beacon Hill residents want to increase the odds when it comes to maintaining their personal safety when walking home, getting into their automobiles, or entering their homes at all times of day or the night.

The gymnasium at 74 Joy Street was packed to capacity as Sgt. Eblan talked about street-smart basics and of how to defend oneself in the urban environment.

He told everyone assembled what not to do.

Don’t be outsmarted by your i-Pod. In other words, the music you are listening to could be the last thing you hear before being hit over the head and robbed of your handbag or wallet.

Talking on your cell phone and shutting out the world you are walking in can lead to the same demise.

Sgt. Eblan said that criminals know who to prey on. That’s why they are criminals – and that’s why they find places like Beacon Hill easy picking.

Many people are so into their own world here that they often shut out the real world with the end result – being robbed.

Remaining aware at all times is what matters, he said.

If a thief has attacked you and you fall to the ground, he suggested grabbing a handful of dirt or sand to throw at your assailant’s eyes. If you are taken down on a sidewalk, he showed basic physical moves to get away from the assailant.

He also talked about fire alarms – pull one if you’re feeling the need for help in an unsafe situation.

The lecture was sponsored by the Beacon Hill Civic Association in partnership with the Area A-1 Police Department.

To that end, Captain O’Rourke and Community Service Officer Sgt. Tome Lema were in attendance.

Paula O’Keefe who organized the event as chairwoman of the BHCA Public Safety Committee should be given a great deal of credit for this lecture.

Public safety on Beacon Hill took a quantum rise for a large group of residents Thursday evening.

We would urge Ms. O’Keefe to schedule additional lectures of this kind for Beacon Hill residents.

Beacon Hill Times Staff:
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