Everly Kempainen, 21 months, of West Cedar Street checks out the new playhouse at Myrtle Street Playground on Beacon Hill during a recent visit with her mom, Hilary. (Jon Seamans photo).
Mayor Thomas M. Menino will join Beacon Hill residents to unveil more than $75,000 in improvements to the Myrtle Street Playground on Wednesday, Oct. 5, at 5 p.m.
Improvements to the park located at 50 Myrtle St. included removing the existing sand and wood chips and installing rubber surfacing in the play areas. In addition, a small playhouse for young toddlers was installed in the park and the asphalt has been color-coated to enhance its appearance.
The Friends of Myrtle Street Playground raised half the construction funds, with the remaining costs underwritten by Mayor Menino’s Capital Improvement Program.
The unveiling celebration will include a back-to-school barbecue hosted by the Friends of Myrtle Street Playground beginning at 3 p.m. for members and neighbors along with additional refreshments provided by Hood LLC, the official dairy sponsor of the Boston Parks and Recreation Department’s 2011 park openings.
For more information, please call the Boston Parks and Recreation Department at 617-635-4505.