The Zoning and Licensing Committee of the Beacon Hill Civic Association will have a special meeting this evening, Tuesday, January 29 to discuss DeLuca’s Market, 7-17 Charles Street. The meeting will be held at 7:00 p.m. at 74 Joy Street. The applicant seeks to have the new basement area used for retail space, thus requiring variances for increased FAR and change of use from residential to business. These matters are scheduled to be heard by the ZBA on February 12, 2013.
The applicant has also expressed a desire to offer interior seating to customers in the market limited to up to 5 tables for up to 20 persons. Although the applicant has not as yet filed an application with any City agency for this seating, the applicant has asked the Zoning and Licensing Committee to consider this issue as well.
This meeting is open to the public. If you have any questions or comments regarding the matter to be heard, please attend. If you are unable to attend but would like to express an opinion, please call (617.227.1922) or send an email to the BHCA office ([email protected]) prior to the meeting. Design plans and additional information and updates on these matters are posted on the BHCA website at