We wish to make note of the appointment of Senator Joseph Boncore of Winthrop as the new Chairman of the Senate Transportation Committee by Acting Senate President Harriette Chandler.
Although Senator Boncore is only in his first full term, his appointment is recognition of the high-esteem with which he he is held by his Senate colleagues and the Senate leadership.
Senator Boncore’s elevation to the chairmanship of this committee makes perfect sense. As the State Senator from a district that encompasses Logan Airport, the harbor tunnels, the MBTA, harbor ferries, South Station, and the Boston waterfront, his jurisdiction (with apologies to that John Candy movie) includes trains, planes, and automobiles, plus boats and public transit.
As Senator Boncore said after his appointment, “The Commonwealth’s transportation system is the driver of our economic success,” a statement that clearly shows that our new Transportation Committee Chairman is aware of the significance of his new position.
We have no doubt that Senator Boncore will make the most of this opportunity to make our transportation infrastructure become a shining example that will be emulated by states across the country.