The Beacon Hill Architectural Commission will hold its monthly public hearing on Thursday, May 17, 2018.
The hearing will start at 5 p.m. in the Piemonte Room on the fifth floor at City Hall.
- Violations
18.1233 BH 17 Hancock Street: Installation of fire strobe and bell at front elevation.
- Design Review
18.1070 BH 81 Mount Vernon Street: Install landscaping at front yard.
18.872 BH 11 Irving Street: Replace three non-original windows on front elevation of the third story with wood, SDL 6/1 windows with half-screens.
18.1238 BH 12-14A Beacon Street: Replace all 1/1 wood sashes visible from public way in kind; replace existing 2/2 sheet metal windows on addition with 2/2 double hung aluminum sashes (see also Administrative Review/Approval work below).
18.1236 BH 6 Mount Vernon Place: Restore entryway to historic configuration with Federal detailing; flip front door in original configuration.
- Administrative Review/Approval
18.1238 BH 12-14A Beacon Street: Remove and repair existing leaded glass windows on Beacon Street façade and install exterior storms; reproduce missing leaded glass windows to match existing; restore damage and missing wooden brickmold to match existing; repair windows on first story south elevation; restore metal-clad fire shutters; clean masonry with D/2 biological solution; repoint sections to match existing in materials, tooling and color (see also Design Review work above).
18.1205 BH 12 Byron Street: Replace non-original arched window on first story with wood TDL window to replicate historic plans.
18.1215 BH 141 Cambridge Street (First Harrison Gray Otis House): Repair wood window frames sills and cornice and paint all woodwork to match existing; remove fourteen front-facing windows, repair glazing, scrape and paint to match existing replacing broken pieces and panes as required; temporarily cover fourteen window openings on front elevation with clear plastic sheets; repair front brownstone steps by patching to stable surface, cleaned and scored and skim coat installed.
18.1223 BH 1 Charles River Square: Coat existing stone elements with Conproco to match existing color.
18.1230 BH 101 Charles Street: Repoint brick joints; repair cracked header; replace broken bricks with ones to match existing in color and dimension; restore limestone sections; repair and repaint window moldings; repair metal cornice and paint; wash masonry with Sure-Clean 600 detergent.
18.1228 BH 38 Chestnut Street: Repair damaged trim at front and rear elevations; repair front oriel trim; repaint trim to match existing; repoint masonry at chimney to match existing; repair and repaint rear fire balcony.
18.1245 BH 43 Chestnut: Paint front door, trim and shutters.
18.1118 BH 24-26 Hancock Street: Replace rear gutter at cornice with copper gutter.
18.1204 BH 25 Hancock Street: Repair front masonry façade and stucco with Lime plaster pre-mixed stucco to match existing.
18.1237 BH 32-34 Hancock Street: Replace 10 aluminum single pane windows on mid-century addition in kind; replace eight non-original 6/6 wood windows on historic rowhouse in kind; repair weather-stripping and replace half screens on bay window and two adjacent 6/6 windows.
15.942 BH 51 Hancock Street: Extend approval period of previously approved rooftop deck for one year.
18.1217 BH 78 Mount Vernon Street: Replace eight 6/6 and two 8/8 non-original sashes on front elevation and replace with wood, double hung TDL windows with half screens.
18.1120 BH 87 Mount Vernon Street: Scrape and paint railing on stone wall black.
18.1213 BH 130 Mount Vernon Street: Repaint main structure using color match; clean tiles on perimeter wall.
18.1232 BH 70 Myrtle Street: Infill missing patch of brick with salvaged brick onsite and grout to match existing.
18.1218 BH 70 Myrtle Street: Install six pairs of shutters on front elevation to replace past shutters.
18.1201 BH 132 Myrtle Street: Cut and repoint western side wall to match existing.
18.1119 BH 8 Park Street: Replace one non-original 6/6 window and five non-original 6/9 windows with wood, TDL windows.
18.1140 BH 145 Pinckney Street: Replace sections of garden fence to match existing.
18.1241 BH 145 Pinckney Street: Replace two overhead garage doors to match existing.
18.1219 BH 1 Spruce Street: Dismantle and reconstruct chimney reusing brick and chimney pots, mortar to match exactly; replace existing deck boards on roof deck and reset rail if necessary; paint window trim, sash, and doors at rear elevation.
18.1229 BH 28 West Cedar Street: Repaint entry to match existing; repair grout in front steps; repair and repaint and reinstall existing shutters; repair and replace existing shutter tiebacks to be uniform.
18.1225 BH 44 West Cedar Street: Replace all windows on front and rear elevations in kind with Proper Bostonian windows.
18.1241 BH 44 West Cedar Street: Replace non-original fourth floor rear elevation dormer casement windows with true wood casement windows in existing dimensions and lite configuration.
18.1234 BH 44 West Cedar Street: Clean and repoint masonry on rear elevation; repair wood trim at rear fourth story window; replace existing gutter with copper gutter; install new copper gutter on rear elevation.
18.1227 BH Willow Court: Install 36” black wrought iron pedestrian gate at entrance to private Willow Court to be installed into brick sidewalk.
- Advisory Review
18.1198 BH 95 Tremont Street (Granary Burying Ground): Install temporary donation station on concrete pad in burying ground.