Please join the West End Civic Association on Thursday, Feb. 21, at 7 p.m. for its winter meeting held at Amy Lowell Community Room, 65 Martha Road The doors open at 6:45 p.m.
State Rep. Jay Livingstone and Boston City Councilor Josh Zakim will update on issues affecting the West End.
Special Guest Speaker
Reverend Joseph M. White – Saint Joseph Parish
Father Joe will discuss the opioid and drug crisis that is affecting our – and all – neighborhoods. West Enders have learned a great deal about drugs in the city as we engaged in dialogue over the licensing of marijuana establishments in our community. We see an increasing number of drug addicts here, and we are concerned. We need to educate ourselves and our children about the addicted community.
One great service comes from The Archdiocese of Boston, which has a special ministry to assist addicted persons and families of addicted persons. AARPSS, the Archdiocesan Addiction Recovery Pastoral Support Services, can be reached through Father Joe [email protected].
On the 21st, join in this neighborhood meeting and learn what actions we can take in dealing responsibly with this growing problem.
Spread the word – all West Enders are welcome, refreshments served.
Are you interested in making a difference in your neighborhood?
Become a member of the West End Civic Association and join neighbors keeping the West End a special place to live. Take part in one of our many on-going projects – or help start a new one.
As a WECA member, you help ensure our residents’ needs are brought to our city government’s attention.
We can keep our West End neighborhoods, from Charles River Park to North Station, special.
Stand with us to help protect the future of our West End neighborhoods.
West End Branch Boston Public Library
Women’s Heritage Month Film Series – Wednesdays at 3 pm. Join us for our March Film Series featuring movies directed by women about women. Sponsored by the Friends of the West End Branch Library.
Wednesday March 6, 3 p.m. Desperately Seeking Susan (1985, 103 min., Rated PG-13)
Wednesday March 13, 3 p.m. Little Women (1994, 118 min., Rated PG)
Wednesday March 20, 3 p.m. I Will Follow (2011, 79 min., Not Rated)
Wednesday March 27, 3 p.m. Queen of Katwe (2016,124 min., Rated PG)
Book Discussion Group – Thursday, March 21, 3 p.m.
Join us for a discussion of The Last Hurrah, by Edwin O’ Connor.
Copies of the book are available to borrow at the West End Branch.
Board Meeting – Thursday, March 7, 6 p.m. The Friends of the West End Branch Library will hold their next meeting on Thursday March 7th at 6 pm. New members are always welcome! Please stop by the branch for a membership application.
Ongoing Programs
Spanish/English Language Exchange/Intercambio de Idiomas en Inglés y Español – Mondays 3-5 p.m.
English speakers can practice Spanish and Spanish speakers can practice English in this fun, informal conversation class.
English as a Second Language (ESL)Conversation Group — Every Tuesday from 1:00 pm -2:30 pm. Come and practice your English language skills with other newcomers and a facilitator.
Yoga for Seniors — Every Tuesday 2:45-3:30pm Classes are led by Tatiana Nekrasova, a certified yoga instructor.
After-Work Tai Chi Group – Every Thursday 5:00-6:00 pm. Come and try this low impact energy exercise with yang-style tai chi instructor Arthur Soo-Hoo.
Color Your World: Coloring for Adults — Fridays 2-4. Join us for a relaxing time of coloring. We’ll supply coloring pages, colored pencils, markers, and crayons. Bring your own supplies if you prefer. Feel free to drop-in between these hours. Introduction to Laptops, iPads, E-Readers – By appointment only. Have a new gadget or want to learn more about the one you have? The West End Branch Library offers one-on-one sessions to help. To set up an appointment you can email Helen Bender at [email protected] or call the Branch at 617-523-3957.