Agenda for March 21 at 5pm
• Violations 19.099 BH 11 Irving Street: Installation of intercom system (Continued from 8/16/2018 Public Hearing).
19.789 BH 8 Joy Street: At front façade and side elevation replace sixteen wood windows and 14 window casings in-kind; and at front façade and side elevation repair five wood windows and seven window casings (Continued from 2/21/2019 Public Hearing).
19.804 BH 81 Charles Street: Rehang blade sign formerly located at 109 Charles Street; recover awning and install wall signage.
• Design Review 19.873 BH 144-158 Charles Street: At roof remove existing antennas and mounting hardware on chimney and relocate inside three new fiberglass canisters.
19.890 BH 20 Revere Street: Repair existing iron gate and re-paint black; remove existing patio and steps and replace with a new poured concrete patio and steps; remove existing pavers and replace with brick pavers; install wrought iron handrail; secure loose exterior wires to building; remove existing flood light over entry door; install three wall light fixtures; install two electrical receptacles; and paint existing phone box black.
19.796 BH 25 Charles Street: At Charles Street façade relocate entry and install new entry doors, replace and lengthen first-story windows, repair and replace existing cornice and awning brackets as needed, recover awning; at Branch Street elevation create new window openings; and replace wooden window shutters at Charles Street façade and Branch Street elevation (See Administrative Review items below).
• Administrative Review/Approval 19.878 BH 75 Beacon Street: At front façade re-paint wood trim, window sash and entry doors.
19.900 BH 94 Beacon Street: Replace deteriorate roof slates in-kind; replace deteriorated wood trim at dormer in-kind, and install new copper flashing.
19.886 BH 37 Brimmer Street: At front façade replace one pair of first-story non-historic four-over-twelve wood windows in-kind.
19.796 BH 25 Charles Street: Clean and repair masonry (See Design Review item above).
19.887 BH 5 Chestnut Street: At front façade replace five fifth-story non-historic one-over-one wood windows in-kind.
19.807 BH 87 Chestnut Street: Replace copper cap at top of parapet wall in-kind.
19.845 BH 11 Phillips Street: At front façade replace six first-story non-historic six-over-six wood windows in-kind.
19.866 BH 54 Pinckney Street: At front façade replace eight non-historic six-over-six wood windows in-kind, one non-historic eight-over-eight wood window with a six-over-six wood window; and one non-historic six-light wood window in-kind.
19.885 BH 123 Pinckney Street: At Charles Street elevation re-point masonry and repair sandstone lintels. 19.839 BH 82 Revere Street: At front façade repair sandstone lintels and sills