The following diseased trees will be removed. If neighbors want to make sure the tree-guards protecting these trees do not get damaged removed them before March 25, store them and then re-install them after the new trees get planted in the spring or fall.
Number Street Neighborhood
32 Anderson St Beacon Hill 9″ mostly dead linden. Left of front door.
58-60 Anderson St Beacon Hill 9″ dead Linden
5 Blossom St Beacon Hill 28″ dead Norway maple. Left of front door to hotel . Closest to parkman street.
138 Cambridge St Beacon Hill 5″ dead maple
53 Chestnut St Beacon Hill 11″ mostly dead Linden. Mushrooms on trunk and branches 70 Chestnut St Beacon Hill 8″ dead Linden top broke out
24 Garden St Beacon Hill 8″ dead maple left of front door.
28 Garden St Beacon Hill 12″ dead Norway maple
45 Irving St Beacon Hill 8″ Norway maple. Large wound at base of trunk. back side is completely decayed.
42 Myrtle St Beacon Hill outside of park. To the right of front entry gate. 12″ Dead Honey Locust.
77 Myrtle St Beacon Hill 6″ dead maple
88 Phillips St Beacon Hill 8″ dead maple
2 Pinckney St Beacon Hill 4″ red maple. Half dead. Bark falling off trunk.
67 Pinckney St Beacon Hill
22″ pear. 20 degree lean over road. Back leader of canopy broke out previously creating large wound and decay in trunk. The result was large sucker growth which has very weak attachment at the branch union.
71 Pinckney St Beacon Hill
20″ pear. Half of the canopy broke off in storm previously. All remaining canopy weight leaning down hill with nothing to safely prune back too.
112 Pinckney St Beacon Hill 12″ dead cherry
91 Revere St Beacon Hill
18″ pear tree with 30 degree lean over road. Sidewalk uplifted and tree fence being pushed down. Also lost large leader over roadway resulting in a large wound on the trunk. Wound is located at co-dominant stem attachment resulting in weak branch attachment. 88A W Cedar St Beacon Hill 6″ pear. Entire top gone from storm