Beacon Hill Architectural Commission will meet on April 18 at 5:00 p.m. in Boston City Hall Piemonte Room—Fifth Floor.
The following items are on the agenda:
• Violations 19.777 BH 45 Beacon Street: Ratification of the existing grade in Spruce Place; repair masonry at rear elevation of Carriage Barn; replace two missing granite bollards at east and west corners of Carriage Barn; modify door at rear elevation of Carriage Barn by extending its length and lowering bottom jamb; and install asphalt berm at rear wall of Carriage barn. Continued from 2/21/2019 Public Hearing
• Design Review 19.986 BH 33 Chestnut Street: At front façade install black steel handrail at entry steps.
19.994 BH 41 Chestnut Street: At front façade restore and re-paint entry door.
19.814 BH 55 Chestnut Street: At front façade replace non-historic front door and hardware in-kind; and re-paint door, door surround, window trim window sash, shutters and window boxes.
19.1009 BH 158 Mount Vernon Street: At rear elevation replace existing wooden garage door, posts and header with wood door, posts and header, and repair and reset brick pavers.
19.1006 BH 74 Chestnut Street: At rear elevation replace existing wooden garage door with black steel door.
19.915 BH 25 Phillips Street: At front façade replace three second-story, two-over-two wood windows in-kind; and at second story of rear elevation replace door, restore bricked-in window opening and install bathroom vent.
19.1004 BH 28 Pinckney Street: Replace existing in-filled garage door opening with new overhead garage door painted black; paint existing door black; remove existing paint from masonry; and restore curb cut and sidewalk (work previously approved by BHAC on June 18, 2015). Previously Application 19.744 BH Continued from 2/21/2019 Public Hearing
19.796 BH 25 Charles Street: At Charles Street façade relocate entry and install new entry doors, replace and lengthen first-story windows, repair and replace existing cornice and awning brackets as needed, recover awning; at Branch Street elevation create new window openings; and replace wooden window shutters at Charles Street façade and Branch Street elevation (See Administrative Review items below). Continued from 3/21/2019 Public Hearing
19.1011 BH 77A Revere Street: At roof reconstruct roof deck.
19.873 BH 144-158 Charles Street: At roof remove existing antennas and mounting hardware on chimney and relocate inside three new fiberglass canisters.
• Administrative Review/Approval 19.998 BH 4 Acorn Street: At front façade repair windows and window shutters, and re-paint front steps and fire escape.
19.1000 BH 61 Beacon Street: At front façade repair brick cornice at roofline.
19.796 BH 25 Charles Street: Clean and repair masonry (See Design Review item above).
19.1005 BH 76 Chestnut Street: At front replace eight pairs of wood window shutters in-kind.
19.921 BH 20 Pinckney Street: At front façade replace second-story granite window sill in-kind.
• Ratification of 3/21/2019 Public Hearing Minutes
• Staff Updates