The Beacon Hill Architectural Commission will hold a public hearing on April, 16 at 5 p.m.
This hearing will only be held virtually and NOT in person. You can participate in this hearing by going to or calling 1-929-205-6099 and entering id 289 955 040#. You can also submit written comments or questions to [email protected] or via Twitter @bostonlandmarks.
Subject of the hearing will be applications for Certificates of Design Approval on the agenda below, reviews of architectural violations, and such businesses as may come before the commission, in accordance with Chapter 616 of the Acts of 1955 of the Massachusetts General Law as amended. Applications are available for review during business hours at the office of the Environment Department. Applicants or their representatives are required to attend, unless indicated otherwise below. Sign language interpreters are available upon request.
APP # 20.704 BH 5 West Cedar Street
Applicant: Anne Stetson
Proposed Work: Ratification of unapproved “private way” signage.
VIO # 20.014 BH 4 Pinckney Street
Applicant: Sandy Steele
Proposed Work: Ratification of unapproved work at the rear of the property and an unapproved shoe scraper.
APP # 20.927 BH 54 Pinckney Street
Applicant: John Corey
Proposed Work: Ratification of unapproved work at front façade including crack repair in lintel, cracked sills, step crack. Replace exterior lantern, doorbell. Paint front Door.
APP # 20.740 BH 35 Beacon Street:
Applicant: Jeremy Kindall; New England Window Works
Proposed Work: At front façade level four, remove six existing storm windows and replace with new ProVia storms. Fabricate and install wood sills to replace the existing deteriorated sills in kind.
APP # 20.860 BH 10 Charles River Square
Applicant: Anthony Griseto
Proposed Work: Repaint front door. At rear façade level 1 through 5, replace five (total), wood, 6 over 6 windows with five, aluminum clad, 6 over 6 windows. (See additional items in administrative review).
APP # 20.789 BH 52 Beacon Street (Continued from 2/2020)
Applicant: John Day
Proposed Work: Install sliding glass access hatch with copper clad end walls.
APP # 20.868 BH 20 Beacon Street
Applicant: Cara Forcellati; Boston Bar Association
Proposed Work: Install small vent for new boiler at front façade.
APP # 20.783 BH 73 Mount Vernon Street
Applicant: Elise Nash
Proposed Work: At front yard, install seasonal planter, add stone garden bench, granite pavers, pea stone path.
APP # 20.793 BH* 30 Brimmer Street
Applicant: Peter Madsen; Parish of the Advent
Proposed Work: At all facades, level one and two, replace 14, wood, 4 over 4, double hung windows. Removed by Staff
APP # 20.833 BH 17A Branch Street
Applicant: James Fay
Proposed Work: Install light fixture to the right of the main door.
APP # 20.863 BH 99 Pinckney Street
Applicant: Bryan Driscoll
Proposed Work: Remove and replace roof deck in the same dimensions with a new code compliant handrail (See Additional Items in Administrative Review).
APP # 20.881 BH 104 Mount Vernon Street
Applicant: Brigid Williams; Hickox Williams
Proposed Work: Rebuild front brick wall, restore to include a granite foundation veneer that existed historically, install new handrail. Recast stone sills at side façade
APP # 20.965 BH 10.5 Beacon Street
Applicant: Matthew Bronski P.E; Simpson, Gumpertz & Heger
Proposed Work: Extensive façade restoration at north (Beacon Street) façade and terrace.
2 Beaver Place
Applicant: Patricia Harris
Proposed Work: Add window in well which is currently bricked up, add access door at side façade.
IV. ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW/APPROVAL: In order to expedite the review process, the commission has delegated the approval of certain work items, such as those involving ordinary maintenance and repair, restoration or replacement, or which otherwise have a minimal impact on a building’s appearance, to commission staff pending ratification at its monthly public hearing. Having been identified as meeting these eligibility criteria and all applicable guidelines, the following applications will be approved at this hearing:
Applicants whose projects are listed under this heading NEED NOT APPEAR at the hearing. Following the hearing, you will be issued a Determination Sheet to present at the Inspectional Services Department (1010 Massachusetts Avenue) as proof of project approval when applying for permits. ISD personnel will send an electronic copy of your building-permit application to the commission staff for review. (To avoid potential confusion, the text of your building-permit application should be consistent with the project description given below.) Commission staff will accordingly authorize the execution of the work, attaching any applicable provisos, reflecting the relevant guidelines and precedents.
Please note that following issuance of the determination sheet no further correspondence will be issued for the applications listed below. The electronic building-permit application as annotated by commission staff will constitute your Certificate of Appropriateness; this will be valid for one year from the date of the hearing. The applicant is required to notify the commission of any project changes; failure to do so may affect the status of the approval.
If you have any questions not addressed by the above information, please contact staff at 617.635.3850 or [email protected] Thank you.
APP # 20.880 BH* 48 Beacon Street: At right side façade, repoint masonry above windows and door, install flashing above windows and door, remove brick bulge on 11th floor, scrape and repaint windows. Replace deteriorated wood in kind.
APP # 20.831 BH 77 Charles Street: At front façade, restore brownstone brackets at gutter line, rebuild brickwork at fire escape braces, cut and point brick masonry joints.
APP # 20.825 BH* 137 Charles Street: At front façade, repair brick façade in kind.
APP # 20.860 BH 10 Charles River Square: At front façade levels one, two, and three, replace five, wood, 6 over 6 windows with five, wood, 6 over 6 windows (See Additional Items in Design Review).
APP # 20.881 BH 50 Chestnut Street: At dormer level, front façade, replace two, 6 over 6, simulated divided lite, wood windows and at rear façade dormer level, replace four, simulated, 6 over 6, wood windows with six, 6 over 6, wood, true divided light windows.
APP # 20.851 BH 68 Chestnut Street: Repair and repoint right side and chimney of 68 Chestnut Street with mortar type N.
APP # 20.872 BH 11 Hancock Street: At front façade, spot repoint brick and repair in kind. Replace deteriorated trim in kind. Replace gutter in kind.
APP # 20.920 BH 129 Mount Vernon Street: Repoint right façade with mortar 6-7 Parts Sand, 1-2 Parts Portland, 1-2 Parts Lime.
APP # 20.863 BH 99 Pinckney Street: Remove and replace front and rear slate roof and dormer cheek wall in kind. Replace copper flashing in kind, cut and repoint left and right side rising wall, and rear façade using mortar type N. Repaint front shutters and window sash and trim in kind with BM Aura, Grand Entrance Black (See Additional Items in Design review).
APP # 20.899 BH 112 Pinckney Street: At front façade level 1, replace three, wood 6 over 1, windows with three, 6 over 1, wood, true divided light windows
APP # 20.864 BH 3 Spruce Street: Repoint front and side facades using mortar type N. Repair deteriorated wood to match existing.
APP # 20.881 BH 9 Temple Street At front façade, level two replace three 6 over 6 wood replacement windows and storm windows, with three,, 6 over 6 wood windows, no storm windows.
*Pending Outstanding Requirements
V. Ratification Of 2/20/2020 Public Hearing Minutes & 1/15/2020 Public Subcommittee Meeting Minutes
Vi. Staff Updates
Vii. Projected Adjournment: 9:00 p.m.