ATTENTION: This hearing will only be held virtually and NOT in person. You can participate in this hearing by going to our online meeting or calling 1-929-205-6099 and entering meeting id # 864 7919 2734. You can also submit written comments or questions to [email protected] or via Twitter @bostonlandmarks
The Beacon Hill Architectural Commission will hold its monthly public hearing on Thursday October 15, 2020, at 5 p.m. The following will be discussed
Design Review
APP # 21.0290 BH 30 Chestnut Street (Requested to Appear at 9-2020 Hearing)
Proposed Work: Rebuild Chimney
APP # 21.0291 BH* 62 Chestnut Street
Proposed Work: At front façade level 1-3, replace five, 6 over 6, wood windows with five, six over six, wood windows. Two side lights at level 1 windows to also be replaced in kind. At rear façade, replace all, 6 over 6 wood windows with 6 over 6 wood windows.
APP # 21.0292 BH 99 Charles Street
Proposed Work: New storefront signage and window decals.
APP # 21.0293 BH 24 Garden Street
Proposed Work: Replace front door and hardware.
APP # 21.0294 BH* 33 Branch Street
Proposed Work: Replace front door hardware.
APP # 21.0295 BH 6 Louisburg Square
Proposed Work: Install EV charging station at street, Replace garden level door and recess, replace existing skylights, install HVAC units on roof, Replace front door frame and sidelights to match original. Replace all front windows at front façade. Dimensions, pane configuration, paint, and materials are to match existing (See Additional Items Under Administrative Review).
APP # 21.0296 BH 55 Pinckney Street
Proposed Work: Rebuild Chimney
Administrative Review
APP # 21.0297 BH 9 Anderson Street Replace front door and surround and transom in kind. (Reviewed under advisory 8-2020)
APP # 21.0298 BH 9-45 Bowdoin Street Temporarily remove several granite curbing in order to work on water main below the street. Once completed, curbing will be reinstalled in same location and condition.
APP # 21.0299 BH* 121 Charles Street Cut and repoint brick on front and rear. Repair deteriorated lintels and sills.
APP # 21.0300 BH 10 Charles River Square At front façade, floor 1-3 replace five 6 over 6 wood windows, with five 6 over 6 wood windows. All will be double hung and true divided lights.
APP # 21.0295 BH 6 Louisberg Square Spot repoint façade, reconstruct both chimney’s to match existing design and materials, replace non-original windows at front façade. Dimensions, pane configuration, paint, and materials are to match existing. Repair metal rail at ridge of roof. (See Additional Items Design Review).
APP # 21.0302 BH* 57 Myrtle Street At front and rear façade, repoint brick in kind. Scrape and repoint window trim, repaint fire escape, repaint bay windows.
APP # 21.0303 BH* 79 Revere Street At front and side façade, replace 5 storm windows and screens in kind.
APP # 21.0304 BH 52 Temple Street At front façade garden level, replace wood surrounding windows. Wood will match existing in style and color.
APP # 21.0305 BH* 54 Temple Street At front façade, repaint door vestibule in kind/
APP # 21.0306 BH* 91 West Cedar Street At front façade, level two, replace two 6 over 6, aluminum windows with two, 6 over 6 wood windows.
Ratification of 8/20/2020 & 9/17/2020 Public Hearing Minutes
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