Voting Information from the City of Boston
The early voting period started on Saturday, October 23rd, and will run through Friday, October 29th.
The Municipal Election is on Tuesday, November 2nd. Polling places are open from 7:00 AM – 8:00 PM. Voters in line when the polls close at 8:00 PM must be allowed to vote.

12-inch plastic gas main piping, moving from Cambridge toward Pinckney, and 375 ft. of 6-inch plastic gas pipes moving from Revere to Pinckney. Fourteen main connections are also included in this upgrade,
which is expected to be completed in February 2022.
Visit to find more information on early voting location, mail-in voting, absentee ballots, polling locations, how to become a poll worker, and more.
BHCA November Zoning & Licensing Committee Meeting (Virtual)
35 South Russell Street: Build new extension of living space to basement level.
Violation: Article 13, Section 1, Floor Area Ratio Excessive
60 Temple Street: Build new extension of living space to basement level.
Violations: Article 18, Section 1, Front Yard Insufficient; Article 19, Section 1, Side Yard Insufficient; Article 20, Section 1, Rear Yard Insufficient
Date: Wednesday, November 3rd
Time: 7:00 PM
If you are interested in attending this meeting, please contact the BHCA office at [email protected] for joining instructions.
“Upcoming BHCA Meetings
Events Committee – Wednesday, November 3rd at 6:00 PM
Please call the office (617-227-1922) for further details about this meeting, and for information about joining the BHCA.”
Happy Halloween!
The BHCA has arranged for the following streets to be closed from 4:00-8:00 PM on Halloween:
Branch Street (blocked from Charles Street)
Chestnut Street (blocked from Charles Street to Walnut Street)
Mount Vernon Street (blocked from Charles Street to Joy Street)
Pinckney Street (blocked from Joy Street to Charles Street)
West Cedar Street (blocked Revere Street to Chestnut Street)
Myrtle Street (blocked at Revere Street, Grove Street, and Irving Street)
Please visit the BHCA at the Myrtle Street Playground for a Trick-or-Treat!
We wish everyone a safe and happy Halloween!