The Beacon Hill Architectural Commission will hold its monthly public hearing on Thursday, May 19, at 5 p.m.
Attention: This hearing will only be held virtually and NOT in person. You can participate in this hearing by going to our online meeting or calling 1-929-205-6099 and entering meeting id # 410 106 6675. You can also submit written comments or questions to [email protected].
The public can offer testimony.
Discussion Topics
1. Violations App # 22.1153 BH 30 Chestnut Street
Proposed Work: Ratification of unapproved removal of non-historic penthouse
2. Design Review App # 22.1062 BH 11 Anderson Street
At front façade, replace existing glass in windows and replace with insulted glass. Replace basement level windows with like replacements, install metal security gates, repair basement door (See Additional Items under Administrative Review).
APP # 22.1068 BH 141 Cambridge Street
Proposed Work: Install mailbox
APP # 22.1086 BH 19 Myrtle Street
Proposed Work: Remove/replace existing cell equipment.
APP # 22.1110 BH 81 Phillips Street
Proposed Work: new roof deck
APP # 22.1134 BH 7 Mount Vernon Place
Proposed Work: Install new steel planters
APP # 22.1174 BH 94 Beacon Street
Proposed Work: Replace front basement vinyl/aluminum windows with wood in-swing French casement (black) windows, increase size of existing window well with new granite curbing, replace existing garage door on Beaver Place, increase door width from 8′ to 9′ (See Additional Items Under Administrative Review)
APP # 22.1177 BH 11 Louisburg Square:
Proposed Work: Install side vent terminal on chimney (See Additional Items under Administrative Review)
APP # 22.1181 BH 70 Charles Street:
Proposed Work: New signage
APP # 22.1182 BH 25 Charles Street:
Proposed Work: New signage and window decals, new awning
3. Adminstrative Review App # 21.1062 BH 11 Anderson Street: Repaint front door Enjamin Moore (HC-181) Heritage Red and sidelights (Black) in kind, replace gutters and downspout with copper version; Replace all storm windows (See Additional Items under Design Review)
APP # 22.1174 BH 94 Beacon Street: Rehabilitate existing front first floor French casement windows to match existing (See Additional Items under Design Review)
APP # 22.1149 BH 4 Charles River Square: Repoint facade utilizing the appropriate mix of mortar to match the color, texture and thickness and profile in original construction and using mortar mixture stronger than 1 part cement to 2 parts lime to 7 to 9 parts sand (B5c). Paint window sash and trim to be in oil in kind and match existing sheen (semi-gloss BM Navajo White)
APP # 22.1085 BH 37 Garden Street: Replacing five historic 1/1, wood, double hung windows
APP # 22.1173 BH 30 Irving Street: Paint front elevation windows, shutters and trim to match existing
APP # 22.1165 BH 1 Joy Street: Repaint front doors in kind
APP # 22.1177 BH 11 Louisburg Square: Replace existing roof slates with Vermont Unfading Purple and copper flashings, caps, valleys and gutter in kind. Replace front and rear copper downspouts in kind, Fabricate and install five (5) custom wood double hung windows per shop drawing to replace (5) existing failing windows at rear of fifth (top) floor, Repoint chimneys to match existing mortar color and texture per BHAC guidelines. Repair masonry corbel/gutter shelf at rear of property to match existing. Furnish and install chimney liners. (See Additional Items Under Design Review)
APP # 22.1177 BH 7 Mount Vernon Place: Replicate damaged horse hitching post exactly and reinstall in original location
APP # 22.1077 BH 129 Mount Vernon Street: Repoint rooftop chimneys. Mortar to match existing; six parts sand, 1-2 parts Portland cement, 1-2 parts lime
APP # 22.1169 BH 44 Pinckney Street: Perform masonry repairs at the rear elevation with materials to match existing, Inspect and repair fire escapes
APP # 22.1161 BH 81 Pinckney Street: Remove existing roof deck, replace EPDM rubber roof. Roof deck will not be reinstalled under this application
APP # 22.1111 BH 145 Pinckney Street:: Remove courtyard bricks on private property to address leaking parking garage. Reset brick pavers upon completion
APP # 22.1159 BH 40 Revere Street: Re-point as needed to match existing. Inspect all headers and sills and repair as needed
APP # 22.1150 BH 38-44 River Street: Roof Line Limestone Railing – Rebuild two of the brick pillars to original design (spalled and stress cracked) using a brick to match the original. Reset the existing limestone bollards and railings to make secure, patch cracks in the railings using limestone mimic to match existing color and texture, grind & repoint 100% of the brick masonry joints on façade using a historical mortar mix, colored gray to match the existing, replace approx. 250 structurally cracked brick in kind on façade using a brick to match the original, remove dry-rot window trim and replace with new sapele trim matching the profile of the existing, finish with new sealant and black paint to match existing design, Scrape down fire-escape balconies and refinish with a black paint, Install new 3” round copper downspout to match existing on left side of façade, install new flashing on top of the storefront windows, scrape down window bays and refinish with a tan colored paint to match original
APP # 22.1177 BH 58 Temple Street: Repaint front door to match existing
APP # 22.1130 BH 4 WALNUT STREET: Replace garden level doorframe, rehang existing doo
4. Ratification of 4-21-2022 Public Hearing Minutes
5. Annual Vote for Commission Chair/Vice-Chair
6. Staff Updates