Friends of the West End Branch Library Celebrate Arbor Day 2022

It was a perfect spring day in New England, breezy, and sunny – ideal for the Landscaping Committee of the Friends of the West End Branch Library to celebrate Arbor Day, April 29.  

The celebration included garden cleanup, planting and a very generous donation by the Cambridge Landscaping Company in commemoration of Arbor Day. Their contribution significantly enhances the health and beauty of the two gardens along Cambridge Street.

A crew of three professional landscapers and six energetic members of the Landscaping Committee participated in the day’s activities, including Stacey Parker, president of the Friends of the West End Branch Library; Jim Kennedy; Jean Lawrence; and Anne Fitzgerald, as well as Sheryl Man and Laura Guadagno (co-chairs of the Landscaping Committee). Two large trees – a Japanese Cherry and a Crab Apple– received much-needed pruning, and organic fertilizer was applied in both gardens for trees and large shrubs.

Members of the Landscaping Committee raked, removed dead plant materials, and planted varieties of flowers and vegetable seed in raised beds, pots, and planting areas. Watch for new zinnia, marigold, and nasturtium sprouts, in addition to more tomatoes, lettuce, and herbs this year. The Friends hope to contribute more vegetables to local charities each year. The perennials—coneflowers, tickseed, lilies and peonies –are also shooting up.

A generous 2021 grant from the Beacon Hill Garden Club provided funding and daffodil bulbs. Planted by the Friends, the gardens are now ablaze in daffodils. With the continued support of the community and dedication of Friend volunteers, a vibrant and seasonally changing landscape of flowers, shrubs, trees and vegetables will be nourished.

The Friends of the West End Branch Library extends a warm welcome to neighbors and the community to stop by and visit and is always happy for enthusiastic volunteers!  Anyone interested in donating and/or volunteering please contact [email protected] The website for the Friends is  Thank you for your continued interest and support. Look for events to come over the summer!

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