BHCA Committee Work
Each year, the Beacon Hill Civic Association publishes its Annual Report covering committee accomplishments during the past year. We’ll be sharing the committees’ reports here over the next weeks.
Parks & Public Spaces Committee
The Parks & Public Spaces Committee is charged with monitoring the condition of our neighborhood’s greenspaces, primarily the Common, the Public Garden and the Esplanade. We also provide support to the friends groups at the Myrtle Street Playground and the Phillips Street Park. This includes attention to maintenance and environmental concerns, including trash and waste removal, as well as public safety and homelessness. Prominent again in this year’s activities was the effort to reduce the impact of the so-called “Freedom Rally” (a/k/a “Hempfest”) on the Common, and working with a coalition of other concerned parties, we succeeded in keeping the Park Department’s permit to 1 day. The hope is that this will become the norm for this event. The committee’s initiatives also include addressing the rise of homeless individuals establishing camps in the parks (particularly in and around the Esplanade), monitoring and attempting to reduce the impact of all large events on the parks, which includes monitoring and reporting noise and harm to turf and trees, and encouraging organizers to repair the harm they cause. We continue to work with the Friends of the Public Garden and the City on the development and implementation of the new master plan for Boston Common, and the King Boston memorial, for dogs to run off-leash on the Common, and to ensure that the interests of all stakeholders are taken into account, to improve the quality of life for all on Beacon Hill.
Save the Dates for a BHCA Centennial Celebration Weekend!
Make plans to join your friends and neighbors for a special weekend! We will be celebrating our Centennial on Saturday, September 17th, 6-9pm, with an outdoor dinner on the flat of Mt. Vernon Street. Tickets will go on sale later in the summer. On Sunday, September 18th, we will celebrate with our annual Fall HillFest, open to all, with games and food for children and their families, the famous dog show, live entertainment, and much more.
Upcoming BHCA Meetings & Events
Zoning & Licensing, Wednesday, July 6th, 7pm, via Zoom.
Board of Directors – Monday, July 11th, 7pm, via Zoom*
Architecture Committee – Monday July 18th, 5pm via Zoom*
Outdoor Centennial Dinner – Saturday, September 17th, 6:00pm
Fall HillFest – Sunday, September 18th, 12:00-4:00pm
* Contact the office for joining details.
Become a BHCA member or renew your membership in our Centennial Year!
This is a great time to join the BHCA or renew your membership now that we are scheduling outdoor centennial activities for the summer and fall. Go to to sign up or renew today, or call us at 617-227-1922!