Holiday Decorating Days!
Thank you to all who attended our Garlands & Greens fundraiser last night to welcome in the holiday season and raise funds for decorating the 1,100 gas lamps on Beacon Hill. Special thanks go to Mr. Tom Kershaw for his continued generosity in hosting this event for over 25 years.
Keep an eye out for the opportunity to help decorate Beacon Hill! Decorating Days are Saturday and Sunday (December 3rd and 4th). Sign up to decorate at or call our office at 617-227-1922.
We also need a smaller group to help decorate Charles Street on Wednesday, November 30th before the Holiday Stroll on Thursday, December 1. Please call the office directly if you are able to assist us on that day.
Streets & Sidewalks
The BHCA Streets & Sidewalks Committee will be meeting with City officials in the coming weeks to discuss how best to collaborate with the City in solving the trash and subsequent rodent issues on the Hill.
The BHCA would like to hear what you have to say! Please send a brief email with the top three urgent issues that concern you when it comes to the cleanliness of our neighborhood. The responses and any other information will be shared with the City.
First Friday Coffee Hour
If you haven’t yet become a member of the BHCA, we invite you to join us at our First Friday Coffee Hour on December 2nd at 8:30 – 9:30am at 74 Joy Street. Learn a bit about what the BHCA does for the community and how you can be a part of the important work we do.
We hope to see you there!
Upcoming BHCA Meetings and Events
Parks & Public Spaces – Thursday, November 17th at 7pm via Zoom
Young Friends – Wednesday, November 30th at 7pm, Emmets Pub
First Friday Coffee Hour – Friday, December 2nd, 8:30 – 9:30am, 74 Joy Street
Holiday Decorating – December 3rd and 4th at the parking lot of the West End Public Library
Streets & Sidewalks/Green Committee – Tuesday, December 6th, 5:30pm, 74 Joy Street
50th Annual Beacon Hill Gala – February 2023
Visit the Beacon Hill Civic Association website or call the office (617-227-1922) for more information on any of these meetings and events.