The Beacon Hill Architectural Commission will hold its monthly public hearing on Thursday, October 19, at 5 p.m.
ATTENTION: This hearing will only be held virtually and NOT in person. You can participate in this hearing by going to our Zoom Meeting or calling 1 (929) 205-6099 and entering meeting id # 91233879645. You can also submit written comments or questions to [email protected].
The public can offer testimony.
Discussion Topics
1. Design Review App # 24.0163 BH 14 Walnut Street
Proposed Work: Add wood paneling on ceiling to match existing door and casing. Replace flush mount light with 4″ larger one. Replace existing security camera. Remove the existing doorbell buzzer. Remove faux paint, restore to original stone.
APP # 24.0254 BH 20 Louisburg Square
Proposed Work: At rear facade, reconfigure non-historic dormer, new service entry door and light fixture and front facade (See Additional Items Under Administrative Review).
APP # 24.0306 BH 45 Beacon Street
Proposed Work: Replace wooden flag poles with metal option.
APP # 24.0346 BH 48 Chestnut Street:
Proposed Work: Replace rear dormer level windows with all wood, true divided light, 9 light casement windows, (See Additional Items Under Administrative Review).
APP # 24.0366 BH 161 Mount Vernon Street (Adjacent):
Proposed Work: Replace existing street light with “pendant style” light.
2. Advisory Review Advisory # 24.0342 BH 46 Beacon Street: Proposed new garage entryway facing Spruce Court, New windows facing 45 Beacon Street, alter, reconstruct and reclad several areas on the side and rear elevations, multiple new roof decks.
3. Administrative Review App # 24.0325 BH 29 Anderson Street: In kind fire escape repairs.
APP # 24.0326 BH 31 Anderson Street: In kind fire escape repairs.
APP # 24.0327 BH 35 Anderson Street: In kind fire escape repairs.
APP # 24.0328 BH 37 Anderson Street: In kind fire escape repairs.
APP # 24.0122 BH 40 Beacon Street: Install copper chimney cap.
APP # 24.0342 BH 29 BRIMMER STREET: In kind fire escape repairs.
APP # 24.0346 BH 48 Chestnut Street: Restore all front and rear window frames and sash, restore fire balconies, clean and repoint front facade, repaint rear elevation in kind, restore palladian window and entry door assembly in kind, replace garage door and rear access door in kind, restore ironwork at rear wall in kind, refurbish front entry door hardware, repoint and reset existing granite steps, restore existing handrails, replace existing shutters in kind (See Additional Items Under Design Review).
APP # 24.0262 BH 32 Grove Street: Restore front door.
APP # 24.0214 BH 57 Hancock Street: On the first floor, restore all existing historic windows within the purview of the Commission. Windows are 2 over 2, wood true divided lights with a rectangular muntin bar. At all remaining levels, replace (non-historic) windows in kind with all wood, true divided lights, double hung, 2 over 2, with a dark spacer bar between the glass to match the frame. The muntin bars will match the historic rectangular profile of the historic windows seen at level one. Note that several windows at the mansard levels have a unique triangular shape, these replacement windows will be replaced with windows matching the dimensions of the existing windows.
APP # 24.0254 BH 20 Louisburg Square: Reset front granite steps, using existing granite (See Additional Items Under Design Review).
APP # 24.0258 BH 61 Mount Vernon Street: At front facade, unit 3, restore all three sash sets. Two are bowed and one is flat. We will fully restore with new chains, pulleys & weights. Remove all the glass except for one or two pieces we saw that will be saved & reused that have seeding & refraction. The restored sash will have period glass integrated into insulated glass units that will be set into the restored windows. The restored windows will also be painted “Briarwood” semi-gloss at the exterior to match the rest of the building except those newer windows on the top floor.
APP # 24.0290 BH 2 Phillips Street: Fire escape repair.
APP # 24.0336 BH 1 Pinckney Street: Replace three total 8 over 12 windows on the first floor at 1 Pinckney Street. 1 window is at the front/Pinckney Street & two windows are on Joy Street, all first floor. The existing windows are simulated divided light, jamb liners. The new sash sets will be keeping the existing jambs, wood sills & exterior facing boards. The new sash sets will be mahogany, mortise & tenon, solid block wood. True divided light, 3/4” muntin/divider design to match the second floor sash more accurately. The new sash sets will be using clear glass, oil based glazed & painted semi-gloss black at the exterior. New sash will be true track & eliminate the side white plastic tracks. No clapboard or exterior millwork to be removed. New sash will be double hung.
4. Ratification Of September 14, 2023 Public Hearing Minutes
5. Staff Updates Commemoration Commission