On Tuesday, May 7, beginning at 6:30 pm, the Beacon Hill Civic Association, the Neighborhood Association of the Back Bay, the Cambridgeport Neighborhood Association and the West End Civic Association will present a State Representative Candidates Forum for the 8th…
Category: News
Annual Duckling Day Parade, May 12
The Friends of the Public Garden will celebrate Mother’s Day with Boston-area families during its annual “Duckling Day” parade on Sunday, May 12. Registration will begin at 10:30 a.m. at the Parkman Bandstand in the Boston Common, and the parade…
Meals and Snacks Throughout the Week
This group of Boston Police officers were carrying their lunches in the Boston Public Garden. Area restaurants and food trucks have been treating first responders to meals and snacks throughout the week.
Local ‘Run for the Roses’ Starts April 25
Beginning April 25 through May 4, The Beacon Hill Civic Association (BHCA) is joining forces with five neighborhood businesses to pay homage to The Kentucky Derby by providing their own “Run for the Roses”. This event will encourage locals to…
Marathon Flags
Boston Marathon flags remained aloft this week, flying from the steeple of the Old South Church in Copley Square.
Local Group Sees New School as First Step
Downtown Schools for Boston has welcomed the news of the city’s plans to open a new public elementary school at 585 Commercial St. in September of 2016, but the recently established group of families, residents and supporters views the announcement…
Neighborhood Cleanup is Sat.
In conjunction with “Boston Shines” – the city’s annual spring cleanup – the Beacon Hill Civic Association (BHCA) and the Neighborhood Association of the Back Bay (NABB) are organizing volunteer efforts to beautify their respective neighborhoods on Saturday. The BHCA…
Beacon Hill Womens’ Forum Kicks off May 6
All neighborhood women are invited to attend the launch of the Beacon Hill Womens Forum, a group designed to bring local women together on a monthly basis. The initial meeting, which will take place on Monday, May 6, at the…
Celebrating 50 Years
Seated at last week’s Beacon Hill Circle for Charity 50th annual meeting are three former presidents. (left to right) Kate Enroth, who served from 2011-2013; Sharon Beardsley Clarke, who was president 2001-2003; and, Deborah Hanley, president in 2003-2005. Fancy Zilberfarb…
Longfellow Bridge Project to Impact Traffic, MBTA Service
When construction on the Massachusetts Department of Transportation’s (MassDOT) $255 million rehabilitation of the Longfellow Bridge gets underway in July, impacts will include extensive traffic diversions and interruptions to MBTA Red Line service. At a public meeting last week, representatives…