Kevin Kenny of Wolf Hollow will talk about the positive impact of gray wolves at Beacon Hill Village’s Conversations series to be held Monday, June 6 at 5:30 p.m. on Zoom.
Kenny is operations manager for Wolf Hollothe state and federally licensed nonprofit gray wolf sanctuary and educational facility located in Ipswich. Though its presentations and tours, Wolf Hollow strives to debunk much of the misinformation surrounding wolves and to create advocates for their protection in the wild.
The social bonding and care-giving behavior of gray wolves is considered second only to humans and a small number of other social primates, according to Kenny. They have a positive impact on almost every level of their local ecosystems. Despite this, they are one of the most embattled animals when it comes to its endangered species protections and public perception within the country.
As Wolf Hollow’s manager, Kenny divides his time between caring for its resident wolves, hosting school groups, managing volunteers, and performing other duties and responsibilities related to the management and growth of the school.
This virtual program is presented with support from Cambridge Trust as part of Beacon Hill Village’s ‘Conversations With…’ series. Registration is required online in advance at or by calling Beacon Hill Village at 617-723-9713. Registrants will receive a Zoom invitation in advance of the program, which is free and open to the public.