Month: December 2019
Accolades: Appleton Bridge Receives Prestigious American Architecture Award
The Frances Appleton Pedestrian Bridge racked up another accolade upon receiving the prestigious American Architecture Award for 2019 during a recent ceremony in Miami, Fla. Jointly organized by The Chicago Athenaeum and The European Centre for Architecture Art Design and…
Mayor Walsh Signs Affordable Housing Home Rule Petition
It was a huge win for District 1 City Councilor Lydia Edwards, her colleague Councilor Kim Janey and affordable housing advocates across the city. On Monday, Mayor Martin Walsh signed Edwards and Janey’s Home Rule Petition to impose a real…
Four New BHAC Members Confirmed
The City Council confirmed the appointment of four new members to the Beacon Hill Architectural Commission during a hearing of its Committee on Development, Planning and Transportation on Dec. 10 at City Hall. The new appointees are Arian Allen and…
Beacon Hill Civic Association Community Corner
Have you tried BOS:311? The City of Boston has an important and useful resource for all Boston residents. 311 is an easy to remember telephone number that will connect you with the City’s Constituent Service Center. The center is open…
The Church on the Hill Hosts Opera and Lieder
On Saturday, January 18, 2020 come to The Church On The Hill for a concert performance of opera and lieder. This concert will feature the talents of Lisa Hadley, Jade Espina, Taka Komagata, Max Rydqvist and Sierra Marcy. They will perform Samuel…
Neighborhood Round Up
Coming to the Hidden Gallery The Hidden Gallery at 25 Myrtle St. presents Fresh Paint New Arrivals Shop for Art on Saturdays, Dec. 14 and 21, from noon to 5 p.m.; and Fresh Paint New Arrivals Last Minute Shopping on…
Guest Op-Ed: Christmas is Still Special
By Dr. Glenn Mollette Make a mental decision that Christmas is going to be great. Our world exists in the space between our ears known as our brains. We can dread or hate something or just decide it’s going to…