Category: Editorials

Columbus Day 2011

At the time he lived and sailed during the 15th Century there was no man dead or alive who was more gifted at navigating the seas than Christopher Columbus. When speaking or writing about him, the same things have been…

Steve Jobs

The death of Steve Jobs at 56 brings to an end the life of an extraordinary American inventor. Ironically, the i-Phones held by so many millions across the face of the earth announcing his death were designed by him. He…

Hub Protests

Sitting in your home and watching the news or hearing about the protests going on in the financial district makes you wonder – what is it all about? Why are all these young people protesting? What are they protesting? They…

September in the City

There is something especially satisfying about a walk down Charles Street or anywhere on the hill when the leaves are falling and the weather is unusually warm at the end of September. When September is nearing its end and we…

Car -free Week Sept. 18-24

September 22nd, has become Car-Free Day in great metropolitan centers of population and business throughout the world. The intention of the car-free holiday is to inspire the use of mass transit, and forms of transportation other than those relying exclusively…

After the Memorial

Many of us are left with the palpable feeling that we are a good and decent nation, with a good and decent people, following the dignified nationwide slate of memorials that were held to commemorate the lives of the dead…