Breaking and Entering – Residence
10/26/11 – A Pinckney Street resident reported that unknown person(s) broke his front glass entryway window between 3 p.m. and 7:30 a.m. No property was known missing at the time of the report.
10/27/11 – A victim reported that his 2000 Ford Focus was parked on Charles Street, where its rear driver’s side window was broken sometime between 7 and 10:10 p.m. No property was removed.
Oct. 25
85 Pinckney St.
Breaking and Entering, Residence, Night – Force
Oct. 26
31 Irving St.
Dangerous or Hazardous Condition
Oct. 27
Charles Street
76 Myrtle St.
Assault and Battery
Oct. 29
145 Pinckney St.
Towed Motor Vehicle
Oct. 30
Beacon Street
Property – Found
Charles Street
Property – Lost