The protesters in Dewey Square have been put on notice by the city that their days might very well be numbered. With the onset of winter – and temperatures about to drop – the protesters will be hard pressed to struggle through the difficulties imposed upon by the New England winter.
The city has done its due diligence. Its lawyers have established that if they are forced to take action it will be legal and just.
The protest at best is stalled. At worst it is disorganized and without a center.
The mayor has been careful. There will be no Boston type massacre of the protesters and if it survives the winter, which is unlikely, the experience will not have been that of our founders at Valley Forge during the Revolutionary War.
Official statements indicate the city’s lawyers have warned law enforcement to carefully monitor the Dewey Square site and environs for added crime and or property destruction and a wide ranger of abnormalities.
If the site becomes a public safety issue, then the Occupiers of Boston will be asked to leave. When that time arrives, and it is sure to arrive at some point, they can go of their own free will or they will be literally carried from their tent encampment by Boston Police.
A day of reckoning is coming for the Occupiers of Boston.
That day is not too far down the line.