The Beacon Hill Architectural Commission held a public hearing on Thursday, March 19 The following determinations were made:
Application 15.722 BH Applicant: 66 Charles Street (continued review)
Persona Jewelry (tenant): Install fascia sign and blade sign
Application 15.859 BH Applicant: 28-30 Mount Vernon Street (continued review)
Grassi Design Group (architect): Remove rear dormers and construct inset roof decks and doors (minimally visible from Joy and Walnut Streets); install intercom units at entry portico
Application 15.929 BH Applicant: 18 Phillips Street [Vilna Shul/Boston Center for Jewish Culture]
Spencer & Vogt Group (architects): Replace concrete entry plaza and steps in kind; restore wrought iron fence and gates
Application 15.938 BH Applicant: 12 Joy Street
Abigail Lash (owner): Paint entry vestibule cream, entry doors and stairs black; APPROVED
repaint window sash, frames, and storm windows black and install shutters
Application 15.940 BH Applicant: 98 Myrtle Street
Mayer + Associates (architect): Modify primary and secondary entrances; install light fixtures; replace non- conforming 1/1 aluminum windows with 1/1 wood windows, etc.
Administrative Review/Approval:
BH Application 15.899 34 1⁄2 Beacon Street: Install 4 storm windows
BH Application 15.936 78 Beacon Street: Remove and reset granite entry steps
BH Application 15.897 95 Beacon Street: Install 3 wood storm windows
BH Application 15.934 88 Charles Street: Install hanging blade sign on existing bracket
BH Application 15.935 10 Chestnut Street: Masonry and ironwork repairs; replace copper gutter, downspout, and dormer cladding; repair balcony; replace window box; replace shutters; install new light fixture; replace passageway door; replace window sash in kind, reusing existing historic glass, etc.
BH Application 15.864 Hoyt Place (Beacon Hill Nursery School Playground): Replace existing stockade fence with wood plank fence
BH Application 15.937 33 Mount Vernon Street: Install wrought iron handrails at front steps
BH Application 15.933 37 Mount Vernon Street: Replace 4 wood 6/6 windows in kind
BH Application 15.865 39-41 Mount Vernon Street: Replace non-original entry door; infill light well on east wall, replace all wood windows in kind; modify windows on Joy Street elevation, removing infilled glass blocks, etc.
BH Application 15.941 121 Mount Vernon Street: Install iron railing
BH Application 15.939 77 Pinckney Street: Relocate mail slot to front door; repaint front door Essex Green
BH Application 15.930 15 Revere Street: Repoint and repair masonry; repair and restore zinc cornice