On Tuesday, December 20th, the Beacon Hill Women’s Forum (BHWF) will celebrate “A Lively Evening of Merriment” with music and songs of the season. Local jazz singer Lisa Macalaster, founder and former president of the young organization, will lead the sing along, accompanied by Boston conservatory pianist Chris McCarthy. Ms. Paula Stookey will conduct the traditional “Twelve Days of Christmas” carol. And for those brave enough to look into their futures, complimentary Tarot card readings will be offered by Charles Street psychics Bianca and Tina. Per usual, the event is held from 6 to 8 pm at Hampshire House, 84 Beacon Street, with food and drink available. Members are encouraged to bring one complimentary guest—the rare time when a critical mass of men may be found at the Forum. It has been rumored that the dashing George Gilpatrick of Ridgeway Lane may show up on the arm of presiding BHWF president Sandra Gilpatrick. However, their parrot, Admiral Bird, has already submitted his regrets; he will be singing to the trees and sipping cider at a nearby orchard, promoting a good harvest for the coming year.