Kodomo Annex on River Street, hosted an exclusive VIP Launch Party to celebrate the publication of Ben and Tonya Mezrich’s first book together: Charlie Num3ers and The Man in the Moon. This is the first time in three years that Mezrich has released a children’s book, his last title-Bringing Down the Mouse graced the bestseller lists, and Charlie is slated to do the same with Ellen Pompeo ready to turn it into a TV show.
Books will be available for sale by local seller Brookline Booksmith who is generously donating 20% of sales to benefit Bina Farm Center, one of the Mezrichs favorite organizations. In addition, Jasmine Mashikian, founder of Kodomo has agreed to match this donation. Signed copies of the book will remain on sale in Kodomo until December 14th.
About Bina Farm Center
BINA Farm Center brings together individuals with and without special needs by offering a variety of inclusive enrichment programs that help them to both thrive personally and make their best contribution towards the communities in which they live. BINA provides a comprehensive therapeutic and recreational environment utilizing Equine-Assisted Activities and Therapies, Vocational Training Programs and Creative and Complementary Therapies for children and adults with physical, developmental and emotional challenges.