The Beacon Hill Architectural Commission will hold its monthly public hearing on Thursday, February 15 starting at 5 p.m. in the Piemonte Toom fifth floor City Hall .
Design Review
18.582 BH 67 Mount Vernon Street: Paint previously painted lintels, sills and door surround.
18.588 BH 112 Revere Street (Continued from 12-2017 hearing): Construct two enclosures on roof of main structure to house mechanical equipment and antennas.
18.769 BH 83 Chestnut Street (Continued from 01-2018 hearing): Construct headhouse and roof deck; replace three ganged single-pane windows on front elevation with multi-lite windows; install granite lintel on front façade; replace paired entry doors with single door option; replace fan-light transom and install insulated glass; replace front gate and install new hardware; install flush-mounted intercom in brick jam at entrance; replace pendant light; replace the coal chute on front elevation and replace spigot.
18.851 BH 91 Beacon Street: Replace existing non-wood six-panel door on side elevation with fiberglass door in same design and paint black.
- 18.713 BH 34 Beacon Street: Replace front door to match existing and reinstall existing hardware; replace intercom system in same location as existing; replace glass panes in front door sidelites with laminated glass; install four security cameras on building; replace existing wood side door with metal door to match existing detailing, dimensions and color.
18.866 BH 42 Chestnut Street: Convert existing pedestrian door on rear elevation to garage door; alter curb cuts on Branch Street.
- Administrative Review/Approvals
18.873 BH 4 Charles River Square: Repair and replace existing roof flashing and gutters to match existing; repoint chimney to match existing.
18.837 BH 9 Lime Street: Replace 7 non-original windows on structure with wood, tr
18.848 BH 10 Otis Place: Replace 13 sash sets on windows using existing frames in kind; replace two casement windows in kind.use-divided lite windows in existing lite configuration.