Letters to the Editor

My vote in support of Mayor Walsh’s Short Term Rental Ordinance

Dear Editor:

“Last night, along with many of my colleagues, I attended a ‘Make Boston Affordable!’ community meeting and rally at the Boston Teachers Union co-sponsored by MAHA and the GBIO. Four hundred concerned residents showed up, representing every walk of life, they showed up with tough questions, real concerns and genuine frustration, and they showed up to extend their hands in partnership and shared work, while also demanding bolder solutions and greater accountability of their elected officials. Towards the end of the meeting, everyone recited, ‘We’re in this together’ and indeed we are. This crisis is affecting every person, in every corner of our city.

After receiving hundreds of call and emails, I plan to support the Mayor’s ordinance today. Without question, short term rentals are contributing to our housing crisis, and without regulation or data collection, stands to become an even larger contributor to displacement.

The need for more housing that is affordable remains the top concern for every neighborhood. We must continue to organize, mobilize and to author and pass legislation, which strikes at the heart of this crisis, which is only growing, destabilizing families and communities, and threatening the health of our workforce and economy.

I believe this ordinance strikes the balance between protecting our neighborhoods and allowing our residents the opportunity supplement their incomes by opening their home to tourists or families visiting loved ones in a hospital or at school. I hope we can capitalize on the energy that went into this ordinance and focus on keeping Boston affordable.”

Councilor Ayanna Pressley


Equality to everyone

Dear Editor:

I’m disappointed in the Supreme Judicial Court’s decision on the Fair Share ballot question. I endorsed the millionaire’s tax movement several years ago, and since then income inequality in Massachusetts and the United States has only grown more severe.

With or without this amendment, I believe that people and institutions must pay their fair share. And our leaders must continue to make vital investments in transportation, in education and beyond to ensure Massachusetts continues to thrive and grow. On the City Council I have advocated for our universities and hospitals to increase their payments in lieu of taxes. As Secretary of State, I will work with the Legislature to ensure that there is fairness all across state government – whether it’s setting taxation rates or at the ballot box.

I’m proud to stand with RaiseUp Massachusetts and the Fair Share amendment’s other supporters and want them to know that this fight is not over. We will continue the hard work to bring equality to everyone in Massachusetts.

Josh Zakim

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